Dear friends and fellow Ludwigs
Hereby the reveal of the much awaited MIM pool paired with USDC and FUSDT. The pool is live and farming starts approx. 19.00 UTC.
Before we crashed in deafness and wine drunkenness in 1726 we made one (!) opera called Fidelio. A piece that struck the soul of the time and inspired others to go where music had not gone before. There was a young kid, Amadeus Mozart, who took it further and composed amazing operas, and so our influence lived on.
We obviously didn’t invent operas, the first one was “Daphne”, played in Florence Italy in 1597. Operas continued to inspire us throughout the time we spent in our coffin, during which a genre was born known to you as rock’n’roll.
Since we woke up, these two genres have merged to create something amazing: Rock Operas. We are seeing the same unfold in front of our eyes in crypto, old concepts get reinterpreted and new genres are born. Therefore we are delighted to introduce “Ziggy Stardust and Magic Internet Money”, the much awaited MIM pool paired with USDC and fUSDT as an official pool.
We see this as the perfect fit to pay homage to one of the most beloved projects on Fantom, while also incentivizing a pool that allows us to attract significant volume going forward.
Because an undead Beethoven thinks “long live rock’n’roll”!
Check the updated weights of pools here: