Welcome to the first week of the year! and what a week!

Weekly Concerto Programme #1

3 min readJan 4, 2022

Dear Friends and Fellow Ludwigs,

First of all, welcome to 2022. Happy New year!

Back in the days, in Vienna we celebrated the New Year in the most masterful way. We went to Maxi’s castle with the whole orchestra and we played (and drank) until our fingers would fall off.

The music was thunderous. Loud. And Wild.

And so it set the tone for the New Year. A year of power. Of settling unfinished business. Of pushing to be the best. Of pushing to deliver the most amazing value to those we care about. You.

This is how we step into the year. Our first week was record breaking. Thunderous. Even for s small orchestra.

  • 165’000 USD protocol fees collected for the month of December.
  • From this 83’000 USD of LP positions were taken to increase proctol owned liquidity.
  • From this 125’000 BEETS were bought back and will be distributed to fBEETS holders this month.
  • TVL is currently at 120 Million
  • APRs hit new highs: stable pools over 30%, HND pool over 200% & Danieles pools over 100%
  • Highest daily traffic on our Beets.fi. with over 2900/24h users

And this is just the beginning!

So, what have we got planned for the week ahead?

From the Devs

We are working on an updated UI which blends the Beets site and app into a seamless user experience. We are committed to building the best UI/UX experience but like all things in life great things take time.Coding is underway and we will inform the community as soon as it is up and running.

We have been consistently improving our infrastructure to keep up with the demand. We are committed to building the smoothest solution for you. We will keep iterating, until we deliver the performance we all desire. For the time being thanks for your patience with subgraph issues and slower than normal load times.

From the pixel lab and wordsmiths

With the advent of the New Year comes the joy of new additions to the team.

The week begins with onboarding, miro boards, trello boards, context, tasks lists, moving parts. Wonderful new musicians enter and we look forward to introducing a new team member to all of you during the week.

This week we are also delivering

  • Internally drafting the next phase of our development from a marketing perspective our roadmap v. 0.3.
  • Increase twitter presence with more pool oriented content.
  • First piece of educational content to support our community through the Defi Revolution.
  • A performance review, transparently sharing the metrics that you might not have seen yet.


On Thursday we will reach a massive milestone. Introducing the first gauge vote for the community to participate in the emissions allocation process. The community will be able to nominate a pool until Thursday January 6 00:000 UTC. To qualify pools must:

  • Holds more than $50k TVL
  • Weight discrepancy can’t be greater 80/20
  • Be permissionless or owned by the multisig 0xCd983793ADb846dcE4830c22F30C7Ef0C864a776
  • Consist of “legit” tokens (no transfer tax, well distributed, etc.) The liquidity committee reserves the right to veto pool

Happy New Year and Welcome to Week 1

The music is thunderous and forte this week. Powerful and wild. We can’t wait to explore 2022 with you. The first week of the New Year has started and the music is flowing!

Can you hear the music?




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