Liquidity Design Principles

3 min readSep 25, 2021


Beethoven X is back from beyond to help the Fantom community elevate this already legendary platform to the next level.

With a community of Ludwigs, together we’ll compose next level crypto-classics using our unique pool mechanisms and liquidity design principles.

Steady Beets

Our base stable pool, Steady Beets, consists of two tried and true classics, USDC and DAI. It will form the foundation of stablecoin liquidity and ensure high liquidity efficiency for stablecoins on Beethoven X.

BUT, Wen MIM, wen FRAX, wen FUSD, wen fUSDT? Don’t worry… soon. Once we’ve built a solid foundation of liquidity, we can start to layer metapools on top to support everyone’s favorite stablecoins.

Our Liquidity Strategy

Unique to the Fantom DeFi liquidity ecosystem, Beethoven X adopts a system of multiple hub tokens consisting of FTM, USDC, ETH and BTC. We’ve taken great care in the orchestration of our weighted pools to ensure that the liquidity of our hub tokens produce a symphonic harmony.

  • The Classic Trio — For the classical lovers amongst us, this 50/30/20 BTC/ETH/USDC pool satisfies the needs of the LPs seeking balanced exposure to the two largest cryptocurrencies.
  • Fantom of the Opera — This 70/30 FTM/USDC pool is for the true lovers of FTM. The unique 70/30 weight is ideal for maximizing your exposure to FTM while still allowing you to capture the benefits of liquidity providing.
  • The B Major and E Major — Specifically designed for those that desire long exposure to ETH and BTC independently, these 60/40 pools allow you to enjoy liquidity farming while reducing impermanent loss.
  • The Grand Orchestra — As FTM is our own personal favorite as well as the most liquid token in the FTM ecosystem, this 33/33/33 FTM/BTC/ETH pool connects FTM liquidity to the two largest cryptocurrencies.

The Degen Pools

We truly believe that the symphony that is the technology, community and ecosystem of Fantom is one of a kind, and we here at Beethoven X are so excited to have the privilege and responsibility of launching a missing piece of DeFi infrastructure. To pay homage to some of those that have paved the way, we’ve orchestrated two unique weighted multi-token pools that blend everyone’s favorite Fantom DeFi tokens.

  • Fantom Sonata — This pool consists of the Fantom DeFi bluechip tokens. A consonant dissonance of BOO, CRV, LINK, SCREAM, and SPIRIT. FTM and USDC are added as hub tokens to link liquidity to major tokens.
  • Dance of the Degens — For the degens at heart, we present the first of many degen weighted pools. This pool blends community favorites STEAK, TAROT, ANY and ICE; paired with FTM, BOO, SPIRIT and SCREAM for connecting liquidity.

This is only the prelude. As the music continues, Beethoven X will further integrate with existing and upcoming tokens in Fantom DeFi as we strive to create a harmony between investors, traders, and DeFi projects alike.




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