Launch of Beethoven X’s Social Science Research Channel on Discord

3 min readMay 17, 2022

Dearest Ludwigs, you amazing beings!

Welcome to the Social Science Lab.

We have been navigating stormy waters in the last couple of days; with some unforeseeable, gigantic waves approaching from all sides, crashing all around us. Normally, we would say something like “we, being born at the moody Rhine in Bonn, Germany, believe that ‘life’s roughest storms prove the strength of our anchors’ ”. However, let’s save this one for another time.

We would like to invite you to reflect and make sense of the storm that has been whirling around us in the last few days; not alone, but together with us.

What and Why?

Let us talk about WHY we are here, WHAT is happening right now, and HOW you are feeling about it.

With that said, we would like to invite you to an individual, private chat with Josey, Beethoven X’s in-house researcher.

We would like to paint that picture and construct a mental map of what has been happening in the last few days together. It is not about constructing the right map; it is about facilitating a collective, shared mental map that will help us to be better prepared and navigate stormy waters with greater confidence and self-determination in the future.

‘Sensemaking’ plays a central role in the genesis of crisis situations. As an ongoing cognitive process, we are all constantly trying to make sense of our environment, of new situations, of potential future scenarios. Thus, how we make sense of new situations as individuals largely defines how we are to manage and prevent crises as a community, as a protocol, as DeFi.

Next steps:

Please drop us a line in the social science channel or DM Josey if you would like to participate. The interview will be held as 1:1 individual interviews on Google meet.

What: Individual, private interview/chat with Josey on Google meet

Duration: 30–45 mins

When: Whenever you feel like it; open as of today May 17th 2022

Who: Open to anyone, independent of DeFi knowledge or expertise; it’s about your personal opinion, not about right or wrong answers

Any data collected in the interview will be treated as confidential. You will not be identified in any results that are presented or published. The main insights from the interviews will be presented in a condensed and completely anonymized form.

The raw data of the interview will be accessible only to the principal investigator (Josey) and stored confidentially by the principal investigator.


Let us make sense of this wild space together. For us as a community and protocol. But also for others out there. For DeFi.

We will also do an internal ‘sensemaking’ workshop with the team. The results of both the individual ‘sensemaking interviews’ (with you) and team ‘sensemaking workshop’ will be presented in an AMA dedicated solely to this topic.

Let’s hoist the sails afresh, with greater conviction than ever before! With the sun and open horizon ahead of us. We are happy to be sailing with you!




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