Happy BEETin’ Birthday

5 min readDec 13, 2022


Dear Ludwigs,

It’s been a craaaaaaaaazy year.

Crypto is constantly evolving and there is truly never a dull moment. Good or bad, this space is undoubtedly growing and we are honoured to be a part of its evolution.

Steady, calm and focused, we keep buildin’ despite the narratives around us and we have unwavering faith in our mission; it’ll take a little more than a winter season to rock this boat.

Speaking of seasons, Beethoven X has already made one full pass around the Sun.

With all the “excitement” going on we let it slip past the radar but it’s official, we’re now 1 year old, which in crypto terms is kinda like being 50 — seasoned to say the least.

We’ve weathered some storms, we enjoyed some highs, we’ve built some pretty crazy ish, we’ve grown an unbelievable community of Ludwigs and we’ve LOVED every single moment.

It’s been a pleasure and some honourable mentions are in order.

‘Can I have the mic please?!’

Firstly, we would like to give a shout out the team members behind these beautiful avatars. Blood, sweat and tears have been poured into the project; it’s a passion for sure and we wouldn’t have it any other way but a lot of hard work has been put into making this dream become a reality.

To Skly, Daniel, Franz, Groninge and Saf, the Tech wizards behind the scenes. Constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible; Beethoven X wouldn’t be what is today without you, literally and we thank you for showing up everyday. For keeping this space safe and for guiding its evolution. Heroes in every sense of the word and there honestly isn’t praise enough.

To Souvlaki, the “numbers” guy. A humble disguise but so so so much more. The dedication to making this space a better place is truly inspiring. From unrivalled performance reports, Biz Dev efforts, community contributions, DAO re-structures, treasury management and governance participation, Beethoven X is truly in your figurative debt.

To Jedi and Naly, the Marketing duetto. Batman and Robin would be proud. There is so much to juggle in an evolving ecosystem and these cats have really put in a shift. Education is essential and their efforts in making Beethoven accessible to the masses has been key to user adoption.

To Josey and Yogi, the heart and soul of the band. Making sense of a world in constant chaos is no easy task. DeFi is emotional and it is inherently social, human. The insights from the social science lab have been a guiding light in a sea of darkness and have played a pivotal role in our evolution as a protocol. Truly invaluable.

Managing all this emotion is something we all need to be wary of and the work from the Lotus Room has been a lifeline for many of us, week in week out. From breathwork sessions, focused one on ones, conscious conversations and more, a heartfelt thank you is in order.

To Vee. Our dear beloved Vee. What can we say? Where would BEETS be without you? Your creativity and playful spirit has brought life into every single cell of this digital vision. Words honestly can’t say enough and we are so grateful for all the work you put into this project. Keep on BEETing!

There have also been a number of key team members that are no longer with us today — The unBEETables. Their efforts in making this space the wonderful madhouse we have all come to know and love will be forever ingrained in our hearts. A huge shoutout to Mr Kind, Ludwig, Nixl, Ferdinand, CryptoKlay, MobiousTripper and AmyTheCat.

Always cherished and never forgotten!

Secondly we’d like to give a shout out to those Ludwigs who have grown intimately close with the project.

The love, the care, the energy, the efforts towards the continued success of Beethoven X is truly beyond measure. The character, personality and individuality that you have all brought to the brand is irreplaceable and there isn’t enough thanks that can be expressed for the contributions of this core group of community members.

To the Music Directors, the Guide Tones, to the Ushers, to the Ludwig Lounge members, to the BEETS Kings, the list goes on… Y’all know who you are and the work that goes behind the scenes is unbelievably inspiring. mind-blowingly inspiring.

We would also like to extend out our thanks and appreciation for all of the projects and protocols that have supported our endeavours over the past year. Symbiosis makes the world go round and working together is really what its all about. Collaboration over competition, all day every day. Thank you from the bottom of our undead hearts.

Finally a massive thank you to all of you Ludwigs, our dear beloved ludwigs. The heart and soul of Beethoven X and the life of the party. We are continually taken aback at how the community has evolved and how far it has grown.

So much LOVE, so much GRATITUDE.

The past year has been an absolute blast. BOOSTED. So much much has been achieved and this is really only just the start.

On that bombshell we will close off by wishing ourselves a Happy Belated Birthday and pouring ourselves a big ol’ cup of BEETlejuice.

Here’s to many, many more, we couldn’t have done it without ya.





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