5 min readJun 7, 2022
Week 23 already? Wow, time flies when you are almost 200 years young.

Dear friends and Fellow Ludwigs,

Welcome to this wonderful week nr 23. The first week of June in 2022. The first week after our Community Town Hall on the 4th of June. You know by now that we sprint from monthly town hall to monthly town hall. The next is 7th of July. And then 9th of August.

Close your eyes. Breathe. And listen to the gentle music.

Now imagine a world where Balancer V2 is live on Optimism.


It is.

It happened.

Read more here.

Since Thursday, June 2nd, Balancer and Beethoven X have collaboratively, and successfully, arrived on Optimism.

It happened and we could not be more excited to be arriving at Optimism City.

As a protocol we are looking forward to showcasing the Balancer V2 technologies and the infinite possibilities they provide for shaping the future of liquidity for DeFi. The innovation that Optimism brings to the table in terms of scalability, speed and capital efficiency will provide the perfect environment needed for our protocol to continue to flourish.

So what’s on the concerto this week?

Arriving on Optimism

After all that time spent cooped up on the Imagine Wagon it was about time we let loose and had some fun. In the spirit of unhinged exploration we launched on Optimism with 3 flagship pools:

  1. BAL, OP, BEETS — All you need is Love
  2. ETH, OP, USDC — Happy Road
  3. ETH, wBTC, USDC — Lennon’s Long

With the incentives switched on, the pools are now fully up and running. This marks the beginning of our journey on to Optimism and the Balancer V2 Tech has officially touched down.

To read more about the story behind each pool check out the following article here.

If you need help or tips and trick on HOW to get to Optimism, CryptoClay made this video for you:


The devs are busy fixing the price… Don’t worry Beethoven got you. Bear Market? What Bear market?

All fun aside, after successfully launching on Optimism, on time, plan and budget the devs are in the process of finishing our UI v2 to deploy on both Optimism and Fantom — a massive piece of work that you will hopefully get to play with soon.

Lotus Room

You might have seen the announcement made around the Lotus Room.

We have opened the Lotus Room as a place for us to cultivate community wide connections and to discuss what kind of culture we can co-create together. In the coming months we would like to actively cultivate this space through 3 key initiatives:

Conscious Conversations:
A Weekly 45 minute Conversation on Discord- to Facilitate Sharing Circles cultivating safety for vulnerability, where we can share together, be heard and support each other.

Conscious Connection:
A Weekly 1hr Breathwork and Meditation Session on Zoom — Being in a virtual environment, how do we create connection to each other and to ourselves? How can we support our community in connection?

Conscious Culture:
A Monthly 60 minute Conversation on Discord — These sessions are intentional conversations around how we want to be as a community. A fun, open creative space where we can co envision a future for our community.

You already know we are a collective moving towards co-liberation and we would love to have you all involved. For more information please check out #lotus-room channel on our Discord.

Discord clean up

You might have noticed we invited Konmari, or Marie Kondo as you most likely know her, to come and clean out the concert hall. To clean out the house. The Discord house. To clean, sweep, rearrange, wrap, achieve, filter, nurse, cuddle, hustle — to create an even better and simpler experience for you dear Ludwig. It was time for a spring cleaning. At least that is what Marie said. Back in the ages in Vienna we did skip a couple of yearly cleanings, and you know what, the music was still pretty spectacular.


Many of you have been dreaming. Imagining a world where Beethoven X was planning a new NFT drop. This time, maybe, on Optimism. But, maybe, also on Fantom. Many of you have been imagining a world where even in a bear market we would still place emphasis on ridiculous creativity. Many of you have been imagining that creativity was a part of the core of the Beethoven X DNA. You know it is!

So we are in the final stages of prepping, planning, drawing up, something nice. Something creative — like Beethoven X can do it. Wen NFT airdrop? Soon… maybe… Stay Tuned.


The X-fund work is also part of the core at Beethoven X. We keep prioritising the work. No matter the conditions. We keep building and delivering as promised. We are currently in the process of finishing up our GCG accounting for Q2 and looking into projects to contribute to. Greenhouse gas accounting is part of our “Leave no Trace” philosophy and the social projects we contribute to are what we call “Above and Beyond” projects. Stay tuned for an update at the community town hall on the 7th of July.

We are furthermore in conversation with other protocols about expanding the work of the X-fund and will keep you posted as we continue to leave a positive environmental and social impact throughout our journey.


Can you believe it — it is week 23 — we are multichain — we are a growing and a consciously connected community (Boom, managed to get 3 c’s in there…). We are so stoked that you keep playing music with us, that you keep showing up in the space and we push ourselves every day so that we can continue to deliver value to you for many years to come.


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