3 min readFeb 7, 2022

Dear Friends and Fellow Ludwigs,

What an exciting start to the month it has been! From the launch of our Boosted Pools to the commencement of the BeetsWars, last week was jam packed full of action. Just how we like it! Like an extraordinary Mahler symphony.

So what’s on the programme for this week’s concerto?

Gauge Vote Results: The gauge vote did not fail to deliver on excitement as we saw the BeetsWars begin to take shape as protocols engaged to have their say in the BEETS farm emissions. The results for the highly anticipated vote can be found here and we will be implementing the updates for the pools over the next couple of days.

Performance Report: This is a new addition to the repertoire and will give an in-depth overview of how the business is performing on a monthly basis. We will go through this in AMA as well.

Weekly Pool Profile: We will also be introducing a new weekly pool profile that will give a snapshot into the performance for a different pool hosted on the Beethoven X platform every week.

Town Hall AMA: The team at Beethoven X will be at the mercy of our beautiful community yet again to provide valuable insights into the recent developments of the project and answer any budding questions. The AMA will be hosted on our Discord at 20:00 UTC on WED 9th Feb and we look forward to seeing you all there.

Boosted Pools: It is with great excitement, joy and pride that we announce the release of Boosted Pools on Beethoven X. The Steady Beets, Yearn Boosted Pool is now live and fully operational. We will be releasing an article on Medium that will go into more detail on the top later today.

Solidly ve(3,3): We have received our portion of the solidly NFT and our team is currently deciding on the best way we can use them.We have developed a strategy and want to keep it low key until the timing is right. We will keep the community updated when we know more.

NFT development: Later this week we will be adding an NFT section to our docs containing links to current collections, where to buy and trade, current utility and more. We’ve been talking to a bunch of potential partners lately and see great potential to give our NFTs more utility over time. Stay tuned for more info.

From the Devs: We improved our tooling to implement the gauge vote, sent a locking contract to audit with Peckshield, created contracts around vote delegation and revenue sharing for fBEETS holders once locking has been implemented. We have also deployed a number of rewarders for our farms as a service initiative and we are currently working on streamlining this process.

The week ahead looks bright and the month even brighter. We are super proud of our achievements thus far and we are so glad to have you all as part of our wonderful community. Beethoven X wouldn’t be the same without you.

We wish you all the very best for the week to come and look forward to chatting to you soon in the Town Hall.

It will be a mind bending, sound bending, week of strings, horns, percussion. The whole orchestra will be jamming away. Dance Ludwigs, dance!


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