Bust a move and get your groove on.
It’s time to get down with da weekly BEETS da-da-da-data!
Total TVL across both networks is sitting at $42,729,927 (+0.09% compared to last week)
🔵 On FTM, TVL is $10,508,399 (+5.68%)
🔴 On OP, TVL is $32,221,528 (-1.61%)
The total volume for the previous week is $20,466,007 (-33.48% compared to last week).
🔵 On Fantom, Volume totaled $1,574,781 (-17.40%)
🔴 On Optimism, Volume totaled $18,891,226 (-34.54%)
Liquidity Providers
What about our BEETiful Liquidity providers?
During the past week, Liquidity Providers earned $16.39K in swap fees and $12.42K in BEETS incentives across both Fantom and Optimism.
Pool Performance
On Fantom, ‘Fantom Layer of the Opera’ (wFTM/lzUSDC) has generated 14.8% of the weekly swap fees, totaling $1,122. This was closely followed by ‘Dropping the fBOMB’ (wFTM/fBOMB) which generated $1,035.
This week on OP, ‘Ethereum Triplets’ (rETH/wstETH/sfrxETH) has pulled in the most swap fees for liquidity providers, generating a total of $2,009 for the week. This was followed by ‘Rocket Fuel’ (rETH/wETH) with $1,573.
Yield Capture
Across both chains, ‘Ethereum Triplets’ (rETH/wstETH/sfrxETH) has captured users the most in Yield fees, bringing in $7,897 for the week. The second highest fee generator of the week is ‘Gyroscope ECLP wstETH/WETH’ bringing in $4,942.
Protocol Revenue
During this past week, the protocol generated $16,395 in Swap fees. $16,916 was also generated via Yield Bearing tokens hosted on the protocol, of which, $5,804 flowed to the protocol as revenue. In total, $11,919 flowed to the protocol as revenue.
This week our Protocol Fee to BEETS ratio rounds out at 0.92.
So, where does all protocol revenue flow?
Two directions.
- Gauge Bounties
- Treasury
Gauge Bounties
A portion of all Beethoven X protocol fees flows back to our #maBEETS holders as Gauge Bounties on Fantom.
Following a recent proposal, gauge vote bounties will now be set as Fantom Layer of the Opera BPTs. Dive into the thread below for all the details.
In the latest gauge vote, almost 5000 BPTs will be offered as bounties.
Check it out here:
The remaining protocol revenue is utilized to build a sustainable Treasury to ensure Beethoven X’s longevity. To ensure diversification, Beethoven holds treasury assets across 3 different chains.
On Fantom, the DAO currently holds $858,557 in the treasury wallet, up $76,215 compared to last week. $506,793 is held in liquid tokens whilst $351,764 is actively deployed in farming positions.
Top DAO Farming positions on Fantom
- Fantom Layer of the Opera (FTM/USDC) on Beethoven X — $314,232
- BEETS Liquidity Pool on Tarot — $30,140
- Locked LQDR pool on Liquid Driver — $7,390
The Beethoven X DAO holds $2,018,582 in Treasury assets on Optimism.
The majority of assets held on the Optimism treasury wallet are the remaining OP grant funds ($1,000,007). This OP grant is continuously paired with a portion of generated protocol fees to incentivize LPs on Beethoven X.
Besides the OP, $930,580 is actively deployed in LP positions.
Please note: The lzBEETS price is yet to be updated on DeBank and are currently showing as valueless.
Top DAO Farming Positions on Optimism
- Rocket Fuel (rETH/ETH) on Beethoven X (Staked in Aura) —$410,473
- Roast Beets (rETH/lzBEETS) on Beethoven X — $262,292
- Native Stable Beets (USDC/USDC.e/USDT/DAI) — $133,807
- Gyroscope E-CLP (wETH/wstETH) on Beethoven X (Staked in Aura) — $124,008
The Treasury also holds over $940,645 of assets on Ethereum. This is predominantly in stablecoins ($526,160), although there is also $91,952 actively deployed in farming positions.
Top DAO Farming Positions on Ethereum
- AURA locked as vlAURA on Aura Finance — $57,157
- veBAL pool (BAL/ETH) on Balancer — $34,612
This brings the Treasury’s total holdings to over $3,817,784 (Up 10.77% compared to last week)
($2,401,946 not including BEETS and OP tokens)
Beetin’ and Bustin’
Did you groove to the data?
Until next week, you can keep up to date / interact in real-time with the two analytic platforms below:
Love as always,