Bust a move and get your groove on.
It’s time to get down with da weekly BEETS da-da-da-data!
Total TVL across both networks is sitting at $19,665,582
🔵 On FTM, TVL is $4,990,252
🔴 On OP, TVL is $14,675,330
The total volume for the previous week is $6,134,943
🔵 On Fantom, Volume totaled $648,841
🔴 On Optimism, Volume totaled $5,486,102
Liquidity Providers
What about our BEETiful Liquidity providers?
During the past week, Liquidity Providers earned $3.72K in swap fees and $2.40K in BEETS incentives across both Fantom and Optimism.
Pool Performance
On Fantom, ‘Fantom Layer of the Opera’ (wFTM/lzUSDC) has generated 38.8% of the weekly swap fees totaling $689.
This week on OP, the ‘Rocket Fuel’ pool has pulled in the most swap fees for liquidity providers, generating a total of $351 for the week.
Yield Capture
Across both chains, ‘Rocket Fuel’ has captured users the most in Yield fees, bringing in $3,255 for the week. The second highest fee generator of the week is ‘Gyroscope ECLP wstETH/WETH’ bringing in $1,993.
Protocol Revenue
During this past week, the protocol generated $3,723 in Swap fees. $6,139 was also generated via Yield Bearing tokens hosted on the protocol, of which, $2,923 flowed to the protocol as revenue. In total, $4,302 flowed to the protocol as revenue.
This week our Protocol Fee to BEETS ratio rounds out at 1.93.
So, where does all protocol revenue flow?
Two directions.
- Gauge Bounties
- Treasury
Gauge Bounties
A portion of all Beethoven X protocol fees flows back to our #maBEETS holders as Gauge Bounties on Fantom.
In the recent gauge vote, over 105,000 BEETS were offered as BEETS bounties.
The remaining protocol revenue is utilized to build a sustainable Treasury to ensure Beethoven X’s longevity. To ensure diversification, Beethoven holds treasury assets across 3 different chains.
On Fantom, the DAO currently holds $475,393 in the Treasury wallet.
Top DAO Farming positions on Fantom
- Fantom Layer of the Opera (FTM/USDC) on Beethoven X — $193,488
- BEETS Liquidity Pool on Tarot — $9,419
- Locked LQDR pool on Liquid Driver — $4,714
The Beethoven X DAO holds $1,066,038 in Treasury assets on Optimism.
The majority of assets held on the Optimism treasury wallet are the remaining OP grant funds ($536,639). This OP grant is continuously paired with a portion of generated protocol fees to incentivize LPs on Beethoven X.
Besides the OP, $458,297 is actively deployed in LP positions.
Top DAO Farming Positions on Optimism
- Rocket Fuel (rETH/ETH) on Beethoven X (Staked in Aura) — $286,605
- Gyroscope E-CLP (wETH/wstETH) on Beethoven X (Staked in Aura) — $86,463
- Optimistic Steady Beets (USDC/DAI/USDT) on Beethoven X — $84,171
The Treasury also holds over $968,720 of assets on Ethereum. This is predominantly in stablecoins ($673,357), although there is also $76,136 actively deployed in farming positions.
A decrease in the Ethereum treasury can be seen this week after BIP-50 was successfully executed. The proposal saw the reimbursement of users affected by the DDB exploit which came to a total of 79,700 USDC.
Top DAO Farming Positions on Ethereum
- AURA locked as vlAURA on Aura Finance — $52,877
- veBAL pool (BAL/ETH) on Balancer — $23,259
This brings the Treasury’s total holdings to over $2,510,151 (down 4.92% since the previous Data Drop)
( $1,835,528 not including BEETS and OP tokens)
Beetin’ and Bustin’
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Love as always,