4 min readApr 6, 2023


Bust a move and get your grooove on.

It’s time to get down with da weekly BEETS da-da-da-data!


Total TVL across both networks is currently $97.7 Million.

🔵 On FTM, TVL is sitting at $46.1 million.

🔴 On OP, TVL is sitting at $51.6 million.

For the past two weeks, Optimism TVL has surpassed FTM TVL for the first time in BEETS history!


The total volume for the previous week was $29,137,248

🔵 On $FTM, Volume totalled $17,532,586.

🔴 On $OP, Volume totalled $11,604,663.

Liquidity Providers

What about our BEETiful Liquidity providers?

During the past week, Liquidity Providers have earned $59.28K in swap fees and $23.19K in BEETS incentives across both Fantom and Optimism

Pool Performance


Pools on the right are ordered from highest to lowest in terms of swap fees generated

On Fantom, the BTC/ETH/FTM/USDC weighted wonder ( A Late Quartet) has been surpassed by the newly deployed Oats and Grain pool which has generated a staggering $16.23k in swap fees for the week!


Swap Fee Revenue on Optimism

Additionally on OP, the same (OATH / GRAIN / FTM / USDC) pool has generated the greatest swap fees for the protocol, totalling $4,265 for the week.

Protocol Revenue

During this past week, 83,512 swaps generated $59,285 in Swap fees, of which $16,792 flowed to the protocol as revenue.

With a Protocol Fee to BEETS ratio of 0.86, this revenue generation has ensured we continue our trend to a positive cash flow protocol!

Meaning, for every $1 in BEETS incentives emitted, we have generated $0.86 in protocol fees.

So, where does all protocol revenue flow?

Two directions.

  1. Gauge Bounties
  2. Treasury

Gauge Bounties

A portion of all Beethoven X protocol fees flows back to our #maBEETS holders as Gauge Bounties on Fantom.

In the most recent gauge vote, over $8,155 was offered as BEETS bounties


The remaining protocol revenue is utilised to build a sustainable Treasury to ensure Beethoven X’s longevity. To ensure diversification, Beethoven holds treasury assets across 3 different chains.


On Fantom, the DAO currently hold $2.51 million in the Treasury wallet.

60.8% of this is actively farming in LP positions.


The majority of assets held on the Optimism treasury wallet is the remaining OP grant ($931,801). This OP grant is continuously paired with a portion of generated protocol fees to incentivise the pools on Beethoven X.

Besides the OP, over $400k is actively deployed in LP positions such as the rETH / ETH and USDC / DAI / USDT pool.


The Treasury also holds over $149,952 on Ethereum via AURA, auraBAL and veBAL.

This brings the Treasury’s total holdings to over $4,118,605.

($2,518,536 not including BEETS and OP tokens)


Beetin’ and Bustin’

Did you groove to the data?

Until next week, you can keep up to date / interact in real-time with the two analytic platforms below

Love as always,





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