Concerto Programme Week 46

3 min readNov 15, 2021


Enjoy the music as time flies

Dear Ludwigs,

You are in week 46. This is your sixth official weekly concerto programme. Not to overwhelm you, but we are in it for the long run. Our Roadmap v. 0.2 goes to the end of the year; that is 6 more weekly programmes. Our team’s linear vesting is 4 years, that is 208 more, and we have a 100 year plan that we are writing on, putting us towards 5400ish weeks. Together.

We hope you are in for it, because we are playing the long game. Resilient, persistent and slightly stubborn as only undead composers can be. Building something long lasting together with you, dear Ludwigs, something meaningful that lasts longer than fads, trends, fuds and quick wins. Something rock solid. Like timeless music. Together.

Enough with the crazy talk let’s zoom in on week 46. The week that comes after week 45.

Amongst last week achievements: You met a Baron from binance (New BNB pool), you started having a “daologue” on discord, you received a podium to conduct your music from on and finally you received our proposal for The Balancer Community, which let us all to meet in a wonderful dialogue in the Community Town Hall on a Saturday. Again, thank you for an amazing week. Together

And we continue into week 46.


They are part of any well balanced nutritional diet. Fresh, ripe, newly harvested, straight from the farm, onto your plate, healthy as f’, you know you want them, those ridiculously fresh beets. They are coming. Wen? S…. This week. Yes, we will do our utmost to drop them fresh beets on you. Keep an ear out for subtle beat changes late in the week.

New Partnerships

We reached out to some good old composer friends, sat down with them, had a beer and worked on some new Symphonies. Amongst them, the Balancer community. Which is to us today what Mozart was 200 years ago: a true inspiration, friend and mentor.

Balancer Friendly Fork Proposal:The dance continues, the music evolves and amazing opportunities are being created between friends. We are simply stoked that we have your support and will bring your inputs with us in the conversation with the Balancer community. It was a great conversation together with you Ludwigs and since then the conversation has evolved on Balancer’s forum. You can follow the conversation here:

New UI releases

Are you ready for another epic update to your life. A new Swap interface, and a new invest and farm flow. We are pretty sure you will love it. Wen, very very soon.

We wish you a wonderful week. Make it count more than normal. It is not just another normal week, it is your week, it is our week and it is up to you and us to compose the music that will change the world. To compose the world we wish to hear. It is up to us; Together.




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