Concerto Programme Week 45

4 min readNov 8, 2021


Dear friends and fellow Ludwigs,

Last week was a week with historical firsts that may be remembered for centuries. One might think we are getting to this a bit easy, like the time we wrote our 7th Symphony; we wrote that energetic piece while chilling and recharging in the Spa Town of Teplitz. This time it is different.

Our undead self has taken no rest last week, it is all hands on deck, all instruments playing and we again head into this week filled with vigour and vitality. Can you feel the crescendo building? What a time to be dead!

Last week checked some pretty serious boxes of our list:

  • Published roadmap v 0.2
  • Partnership with Hundred
  • New Pools “A Song of Fire and Ice” & “Tubular Bells: Curved and Linked”
  • Another massive UI Push to combine the Invest and Farm Tabs and introduction of the Beets Drop Down.
  • Featured in the Fantom Spotlight — a must read for anyone interested in our backstory
  • Spent countless hours on constantly improving our infrastructure and reliability of the subgraph
  • Hosted the first AMA with the Beethoven X Team on our Discord :
  • Announcement that Solarcurve, an all-round great guy and Balancer Baller, will join Beethoven X as a strategic advisor
  • $2000 in BEETS were given away to four Ludwigs in our Twitter competition

And we are not slowing down, the music is not coming to pause, it is continuing, we are thriving. Now we will begin to cross off the deliverables in the new roadmap. This week we continue to unfold our repertoire and below you can see what the weekly programme for the concerto:

New Pools and new weights:

Did you already say hello to Baron von Binance?
Baron von Binance, a badass weighted pool of 50% BNB / 25% FTM / 25% USDC. Beets incentives will start Tuesday UTC afternoon around 6pm. Please deposit and get prepared.

New weights coming up

Like a conductor’s podium, this is where the true maestro will reside, keeping his calm and always in full control of the orchestra. And the music will flow, even more beautifully, and you, dear Ludwig, you will be in control. The analytics site, currently in Beta (have a look the link works!). Wen live? Soon.

Community feature requests:

Your brilliant creativity and skills, your ideas for new features, feedbacks and testing of staging have been a major impact guiding the allocation of our resources for improving the UI of Beethoven X. We want to make sure we hear the “Bravos” and “Boo’s” from the audience no matter how madly and loudly we play. We are currently on the lookout for a tool which allows us to gather ideas and possibly even manage our backlog more publicly. Our goal is to have something implemented for this purpose next week — all #suggestions are welcome

Community mods and first violinists:

We will begin to ask for more help this week. We just crossed 6000 followers on twitter and we are getting close to 4000 in Discord. The amount of information is amazingly overwhelming and wonderful, and we simply need more loving and caring musicians to be involved in building the kindest and most loving community in the world. We will begin this Thursday this week, come with a half finished violin sonata, and together we can make it sound like wonderdust from musical fairytale lands.

Fresh Market Produce:

We know that progress here is paramount and an announcement on fresh Beets (fBeets) awaited by many. Rest assured, we are working hard on this and it will drop when it’s good, ready and well tested. Ripe veggies incoming.


While we travelled the afterlife, drinking homemade moonshine amongst the stars with undead decomposers, we met many wonderful people (and other funky creatures). We are now finding each other in this wonderful world of the living.

Friends are reconnecting and this week we will be announcing more.

Maybe a bird made of fire is arriving at some point…

Maybe a driver full of liquid…

Maybe a dex full of uni… ok that one did not totally work :-D

It will be a week in high tempo, the metronome might fall off the table, but the music will sound beautiful, like a serenade. From us, to you.




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