Concerto programme — 67

5 min readMay 9, 2023


Rise and Shine Maestros,

Welcome to another beautiful week at BEETS.

Funkadelically FRESH and always insightful, let’s dive into the weekly Concerto Programme.


Just a little update from the marketing circle. It feels like we’ve been in a bit of a time accelerator. Over the past couple of weeks, we have stepped into our role as a Balancer SP more fully. As part of the proposal, we had outlined how we could support ORB co with their marketing efforts, however due to changes within their internal structure our roles and responsibilities have shifted significantly.

To get up to date with where we are at in this regard check out the following update on the Balancer forum.

In many respects, this is a huge opportunity for the BEETs team and we are super excited to be taking it on. With that said we are still fully committed to all the innovation coming through from Beethoven X. Over the next couple of weeks we will be taking the necessary steps to scale our teams so we can continue to drive the visions we have for BEETS and beyond.

General Updates

It’s all popping off and it can be hard to stay on top of the ball. Here are a couple of things to keep at the front of your mind.

Reliquary Level-Up BOT: As user level up through their maBEETS journey they need to update their Relic. As a nice to have for the launch, we deployed a Level-Up BOT that would periodically sweep through the Relics and update any that were not up to date. At the current cost of roughly 50FTM / week, we have decided to sunset the BOT. As users approach the max level of maturity there is the possibility we do one final sweep before stopping the service.

Batch Relayer Update: Just in case you missed it, we released a new version of the batch relayer that supports entering and exiting positions on the newest iteration of boosted pools. It will need approval the first time you interact with a pool.

The addresses for the relayers are:

The unBEETables

With the undertaking of the Balancer Service Provider role, much of our attention has been focused on the execution of our proposed deliverables. Unfortunately, for now, we will have to put a hold on the unBEETables initiative. We still have high hopes for the unBEETables but we need to be able to focus on them with a little bit more vigor and integrity. As we build momentum with our efforts over at Balancer and scale up in regards to the team we will come back to the unBEETables initiative and make sure we give it the love that it deserves.

A huge thank you to everyone who has taken part and supported the initiative. We’re working on a little something to reward those who contributed. You will be remembered.

Gauge Vote

The weeks are just flying by and the next round of the Beethoven Gauge Vote is just on the horizon.

Don’t miss the opportunity to have your say in BEETS emissions for the period of 17–30th of May. 50% of the BEETS farm emissions are decided by the maBEETS gauge and the next round will start this Thursday.


It’s been busy at the BEETS HQ

Last week we had 2 notable community members put forward proposals to further affiliate with the Beethoven X DAO.

Netrim applied for the role of Music Director and Decntralix for the role of Guide Tone. Both proposals passed in favor of their inauguration.

Congratulations and welcome on board!


The BEETS data series is running strong. Light work and easy reading these little gems are meant to keep you up to date with the most essential performance metrics at Beethoven X. Stay tuned for the latest episode later this week but in the meantime jump into #5.


The vibes are high at BEETS and we’re looking forward to all of the changes the rest of the year has to bring. Change and evolution are always just around the corner and it’s an exciting time to be building in DeFi. Let’s see what we can re-imagineer this time.

Have a beautiful week and we’ll catch you all on the flip side.




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