Concerto Programme — 53

5 min readFeb 1, 2023


Dear Friends,

Welcome back to another beautiful week. First up, we’ve got to appreciate the little makeover from our designer Vee. Always bring the heat and making things look oh, so pretty! A retro throwback to the early days — Dope!

The theme for this week is one of our favourites: progression and evolution. Finding freedom in the flow, we’re dancing with life and feeling truly inspired. A soulful re-interpretation and a magical re-imagination.

It’s all going down at BEETS! Check out the menu for this week’s Concerto Programme.


Tickity tech. With the vulnerability mitigated, Balancer Devs are diligently working on the updated and patched boosted pool versions. The updates are just over the horizon, and look to usher in a new wave of sustainable DeFi symphonies. The rollout will pop off on Optimism, before transitioning over to the Fantom. Longevity is key, and the Boosted Revolution will unlock a sustainable incentive program that lasts!

“Testing, testing. 1–2, 1–2.” Reliquary testing is in full swing. Our frontend maestros, Groninge and Saf have been meticulously building these past few weeks; bug fixes and front-end optimisations, it’s now looking super slick! Some small migrationl fixes still need to be addressed, but the whole process is pretty much readddyy… How about some sneak peeks?!


All you need is a little love and imagination; maayyybe a cape too!

Last week we alluded to a couple of community initiatives we have been baking in the creativity oven. Freshly baked and on the counter to settle we’re just about ready to serve you all up a slice!

For a little sneak peek, it involves a quest for greatness and the sure rise to stardom and fame — The UnBEETables will be coming to town!

We’re just working on the final design elements and as soon as that’s all ready we’ll be launching some media to get you well and truly on your way to becoming a superhero.

The Docs will also be making a feature appearance in the very near future. The finishing touches are being put into place and it’s looking like we’ll have them ready to drop sometime next week. Fingers crossed!


Exuberantly exhilarating, euphorically ecstatic!

One of the most in depth pieces we’ve released to date, the Annual Performance Report has taken the Crypto world by storm! Detailing everything you need to know about the protocol and wider ecosystem performance for 2022, the annual report is a must read for all the Beethoven X Ludwigs out there.

It’s truly a thing of beauty, enjoy!

The Gauge Vote Strikes Back

Inspired by growth and change its time we painted a new picture for our beloved Ludwigs. A lot has been re-shuffling over the past couple of weeks and some pretty big updates are taking place.

Ladies and Gents, we present to you the next chapter in this beautiful saga: The Gauge Vote Strikes Back.

While we’re on the topic, don’t forget to vote this week. Round 29 will start later on Thursday and will be available through Snapshot. If you need a little reminder on how to get involved check out the following Medium article:

Social Science Lab

With the OP proposal up and out there Josey has had a little extra time on her hands. In true scientist fashion, rather than mindlessly scrolling on social media, she instead contributed in the name of education.

“Growing a sticky community has little to do with price or product delivery.”

A little nugget of wisdom amongst many — don’t believe it? Go see for yourself.

Hot Topics

A Legendary sequel has begun!

Experience the thrill of the world’s most haunting love story, starring the legendary composer Beethoven as the Phantom, the dazzling damsel Beatrix as Christine Daaé and the infamous Degen as Raoul, take a dive into this week’s hot topic.

Live Events

Bi-Weekly Conscious Conversations: Grab a cup of tea / coffee and come hang out with the community in our bi-weekly conscious conversations session. This is an open space to catch up, share and be seen. No expectations, no agenda, simply show up and be present. We would love to have you there. Join us on Thursday at 12:00 PM UTC over on our Discord.

Weekly Community Breathe: Feel like it’s all getting a little too much? The breath is central to many inner practices and plays a major role in the regulation of our nervous systems. From general well being to focused inner work, a consistent breath work practice is almost certainly going to add value to your journey. Join us on Thursday at 08:00 AM UTC for a community breathwork session with Yogi Astralnaut.


Exciting times for sure and new opportunities are sprinkled on the horizon. We’re all about re-imagineering DeFi and we definitely starting to make some waves. Progression is always exhilarating and we’re stoked to be creating more vibrant sound for everyone.

It’s definitely a constant evolution — a masterpiece in progress but it’s beautiful.

Painting with sounds and building new futures.

Who could ask for more?

Have an amazing week Ludwigs and we’ll catch you all soon!




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