Concerto Programme — 52

6 min readJan 23, 2023


Dear Friends,

Welcome back to another beautiful week!

The sun is shining, the music is blasting, and damn maestros, there are some cool vibes in the air.

It’s been a crazy few months, but the recent relief in the markets has given more than a reason to celebrate. Funked up and feelin’ fresh, we vibin’ out here.

Movin’ and groovin’, we’ve also got some work to do. Groovealiscious and spiccyy let’s get into the week at Beethoven X!


“My tech brings all the Luddies to the yard, they’re like, my techs better than yours. So, what’s poppin in the tech corner this week?

Reliquary, Reliquary and a little bit more Reliquary. It’s getting close! Battle testing and final finishing frontend touches are on the agenda this week. Those of you who attended the Town Hall last week got to see some sneak peeks. Those of you who didn’t … tough luck …

Sike! Here you go my DeFi friends:

Beyond the the Reliquary, it’s the ususal hustle and bustle. A lot goes into to keeping the platform running smoothly and safely and the Devs ain’t slacking. Not one bit!


Gratitude, appreciation and bucket ton of imagination. We love the work we do and we do the work we love. Our marketing philosophy is simple and if we can embody these principles then we are halfway towards success. It’s all about enjoying the journey and embracing the process.

With that said we most definitely have a long term strategy for the evolution of Beethoven X and it starts with education. The creative process involves making complex things easy to understand and that’s really the goal for most of the content we produce — it should be fun, educational and easy to digest.

With Reliquary on the cusp of a release much of the marketing efforts have been around creating educational material to support the launch. There has already been quite a fair bit of information put out into the ether but we ain’t done yet! Not even close.

For a neat little summary:

Over the next couple of weeks we will spamming you all with the necessary information you need to become Reliquary professionals. Look out!

Beyond the Reliquary a big focus for us is making sure our community is alive, well and thriving. We have been working on a couple of initiatives to drive engagement and support a healthy community of Ludwigs. Once reliquary is out of the way we’ll be shifting out attention towards these endeavours and we are looking forward to popping these babies out.

Did we forget the Docs? Docs V2 are at the end of their production phase and will also be coming out really soon.

Overall tons happening and we’re loving it. Stay tuned and WATCH THIS SPACE!


Something exciting is coming! Our financial maestro, our numbers guy, and our treasured greek food friend Souvlaki has been diligently writing one of the most mesmerising financial reports yet to grace the DeFi scene. Stats, graphs, highlights and charts; you haven’t seen anything yet.

Releasing this week, the Beethoven X annual report will be a downloadable PDF detailing everything you need to know about the protocol and wider ecosystem performance for 2022. Pimped up by Vee, this one is truly special!

On the topic of financial reporting, there will also be some incentive reshuffling this week. Efficiency is key, and it’s important to frequently analyse how the protocol performs and make the necessary changes.

As such, a few pools will be wound down this week, with incentives shifting to more efficient pools. These actions aim to maximise the efficiency of BEETS incentives, swap fees and profitability for our users. An announcement will go out detailing the pools affected soon. Stay tuned!

Community Town Hall

Did you happen to miss out on the Town Hall last week? Fret not my Ludwig friend, as the recording is now up on Soundcloud. Never miss a BEET!

Culminating a jam-packed year, this one was a special one:

  • Yearly performance report
  • Highlights of the year
  • Reliquary alpha
  • A brand new social science study

Jump on in!

Social Science Lab


The Imagine wagon ain’t playing and has cruised into OP City with a big ol’ SKKKKRRT.

Social justice at the ready and Josey Beets at the helm.

Social bonding in the City of Optimism — A social science study is about to go down. Jump into all the action over on the OP forum.

Hot Topics

Talk about FYAH!

This next topic hasn’t even hit the shelves yet and it’s already sold out! If you know you know, and if you don’t… Well today’s your lucky day.


A new world awaits, undiscovered and unexplored and now you get to dive right in.

Enjoy Maestros, enjoy!

Gauge Vote

BEETS are back at it again!! Another wave of the bi-weekly Gauge Vote has been completed and we would love to give a big shoutout to everyone who participated. Emission updates for pools will be implemented this Wednesday and the final results for Round 28 can be found in the Tweet below.

Jam-packed with face melting stats, make sure to check out the Beets Wars page for all the info you need to know! 300% ROI for protocols? Pretty sweeeet.

Live Events

Tech Tuesdays: Tech, Tech and a little bit more Tech! DeFi is brimming with new stuff, all the time. It’s fast, it’s fun and it’s oh-so complicated — or is it? Come join us for a mellow jam session on the technical innovations from Beethoven X and Beyond! Everyone is welcome, simply tune in and get those questions poppin! Join us in our Discord this Tuesday at 12:00 UTC.

Weekly Community breathe: Feel like it’s all getting a little too much? The breath is central to many inner practices and plays a major role in the regulation of our nervous systems. From general well being to focused inner work, a consistent breath work practice is almost certainly going to add value to your journey. Join us on Thursday at 08:00 UTC for a community breathwork session with Yogi Astralnaut.


With the wind in our sails it’s been great to have a little bit of oomph put back into our Orchestra.The Tubas have been blasting and Bongos have been bouncing.

It’s always fun to flow with the current and ride the waves when they are there. A little bit of fun never hurt anyone.

With that said, we were made for times like these and come rain or shine we’ll be out here building to the very best of our abilities. It’s all about the long haul for us, creating an awesome product and cultivating an awesome community. We’ve been blessed to have both and so it really is UP ONLY from here.

Have an amazing week Ludwigs, sending you all some of those positive vibrations.

Peace, Love and Wholeness.




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