Concerto Programme — 47

6 min readDec 19, 2022


Dear Friends,

Welcome back to another beautiful week!

Tis the season to be jolly and we’re most definitely taking advantage of the festive cheer — BeetNog and minced pies is a combo to die for. As we approach the close of a wonderful year there is plenty to be proud of and so much to celebrate. It’s been a journey and we have come so far!

Steady Buildin, Steady Beetin’.

With that in mind, check out the agenda for the Concerto Programme this week.


A quick jam to get you as pumped on the Tech as the Betthoven X Devs. Lol jk, that’s impossible but a bit of music never hurt anyone.

If you’ve been following along you should know by now that there are a couple big projects in the pipeline — FTM Boosted Pools and Reliquary. The likelihood that reliquary will drop before the New Year is looking less and less likely. Major progress has been made from the technical side and it’s ready to go. The transition from the current fBEETS farm to Reliquary however will take a little bit of hand holding and so the marketing team are now making sure all the necessary material is ready for a smooth launch. As for FTM Boosted Pools, well that’s another story altogether. The flagship fleet are all but named and are about to embark on a journey into the Fantom ecosystem. Bigger, Better and BEETier than ever before. Whoever said Christmas doesn’t come twice doesn’t know what’s about to hit em’. Ludwigs you’re in for a treat, that’s for sure!


Can you feel it Maestros, it’s oh so close. So close in fact we thought it deserved its own little feature in this week’s Concerto. A lot has been going on behind the scenes to make this dream become a reality and naturally there is quite a bit to digest.

When the roll out happens we will be providing as much information as necessary to make the transition from fBEETS into Reliquary as smooth as possible. In the meantime though, chip away at the following resources and we think the migration will be sooo much easier.

For a general overview check out:

For a more technical dive check out:


What has been cooking over on the Governance front? Well, aside from the classic red Borscht soup (iydk that’s BEET soup) a few things have been moving. Let’s dive in.

A recent snapshot was put to vote to decide part of the implementation of the new fBEETs reliquary farm.

There were a couple of options to consider to help kickstart the new farm:

  1. fBEETs holders would go through a period of 8 days where no farm emissions are earned.
  2. fBEETs holders that have migrated to the new farm will immediately receive emissions provided by the treasury (250K — 300K BEETS).

The vote was to decide on which direction to take. The Snapshot ended early this morning with a majority vote in favour of the treasury front loading the farm emissions.

For a little more information on specific details check out the following link.

Monthly Performance Report

The penultimate performance report and boy is it a thing of beauty. Like all great things do, the performance report gets better with age. The data analysis, the chart breakdowns and the graphic design has all made major improvements from iteration to iteration. The performance report is most definitely a staple and it’s something we’re really proud of. Clarity is super important and we’re happy to be playing our part.

Enjoy Ludwigs, enjoy.


Constantly building, constantly creating! There is so much going on at BEETS: DOCS, The unBEETables, Reliquary, BEETS TV and we haven’t even mentioned the launch of the new Boosted Pools on FTM.

Endless innovation makes our job as content creators super fun — there is always, always something going on.

Take a leap into the minds behind the marketing madness and check out what’s in store for the next wave of Beethoven X.

Fantom x Gitcoin Grants

Just a quick reminder that the first round of the Fantom x Gitcoin grants is currently underway. In the spirit of collective development the grant is all about getting the community actively involved in the voting process for prospective projects.

Every voice counts and If you are interested in donating, we have broken down exactly how you can participate in the thread below:

A massive thank you to all of the Ludwigs who have already donated!

Holly Jolly NFT Giveaway

​​In the run up to Christmas we will be dropping some hints over in the Discord to the whereabouts of some pretty banging NFTs.

X-Files x South Park.

Simply scour our server to find the Giveaway Bot for your chance to get your hands on one of these killer pieces of art.

Let the Merry Scavenger Hunt begin!

Hot Topics

So much heat it’s raining fire.

Did you miss the Town Hall last week? No worries we got you covered!

Catch up in detail on the performance report, Reliquary, Boosted Pools, the Social Science Lab and more!

Gauge vote

Say what?! Round 26!

Don’t miss the opportunity to have your say in 30% of the BEETS emissions for the weeks of December 26 and Jan 02. Voting will start later this week and will be available through Snapshot. Stay tuned!

For more information on the Gauge and how you can get involved check out the following Medium article:

Live Events

Weekly Community breathe: Feel like it’s all getting a little too much? The breath is central to many inner practices and plays a major role in the regulation of our nervous systems. From general well being to focused inner work, a consistent breath work practice is almost certainly going to add value to your journey. Join us on Wednesday at 12:00 PM UTC for a community breathwork session with Yogi Astralnaut.

Conscious Chrimbo Conversations: Itsssss christmassssssss! Grab a cup of BeetNog and bring your festive cheer, this conscious convo is a special one! Music, games, and giveaways, come and have some fun with your fellow Ludwigs! We would love to have you there. Join us on Thursday at 12:00 PM UTC over on our Discord.


The wish is old,

The wish is true,

A merry Christmas,

My friends, to you.

Have a beautiful week Ludwigs and a great Christmas if you’re celebrating.

Love as awlays,





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