Dear Friends,
Welcome to another week.
It’s beautiful out here and we’re feeling inspired. The creativity is flowing and the music production is effortless — badass beats with ridiculous melodies.
Vibes. Sweet, sweet vibes.
We’re cranking up the volume in preparation for a couple of unreleased drops. Souled up and funked out, this next EP is going to be one of the best bodies of work yet.
What’s on the Concerto Programme this week?
Coder’s gotta code, devs keep on devvin; what’s popping over at the Dev headquarters this week? You guessed it, it’s a Reliquary and Boosted pool bonanza! It’s all coming together; the Reliquary maturity curve is finalised, with the devs working hard on implementing the code. Fantom Boosted Pools are now in the final iteration of testing and are looking sweeet! Be prepared for some of the most magical and mystical Fantom pools in the whole ecosystem. Soon Ludwig, soon!
Work continues to ensure Beethoven X has the sleekest and simplest interface in the DEX space. Simplicity and usability are key. With the Zap function added, you can now invest and stake in one swift click! Superfast. Super fresh. The investment flow is now looking ridiculous!
Music makes the world go round. Dedicated Ludwigs continue to actively participate in discussions and proposals that drive the future growth of the protocol. In case you missed any of the highlights from the past week, here is everything you need to know!
Proposals passed
BIP-36: Infrastructure costs — In July there was a governance vote that passed authorising the treasury to cover infrastructure costs. The overarching requirement was:
- Cost claims would be capped at $10k per month
- Work towards reducing the average cost
- Run it for a trial period, with it ending at October month end
We are now approaching the end of this period and would like the community to approve a 5 month extension up to the end of March 2023 Month End.
For a summary on the proposal and the implications check out the following thread:
The proposal passed with 99.88% of votes in favour of yes.
Guide Tone Election — At BeethovenX the Guide Tones (GTs) are a group of community members who play an important role in the governance model.
The goal of the Guide Tones is to:
- Improve and streamline governance.
- Increase community involvement.
- Allow the team, the Music Directors, other contractors and consultants, and other DAO-recognised committees to focus on strategy, operations, partnerships and growth.
NaulxD was up for election and the proposal passed in favour of inauguration. Welcome to the Band!
Proposals still under discussion
A Non-Profit LLC for the BeethovenX DAO — Throughout 2022, interested community members have evaluated the BeethovenX DAO’s options to form a real-world entity to provide the off-chain means for executing the DAO’s work and vision, further the goals of decentralization and automation, and achieve a level of resilience. After researching and exploring a variety of different options, the recommendation is to form a member-managed non-profit limited liability company (sometimes called “NP LLC”) under the laws of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (sometimes called the “RMI”).
As always these discussions are open to debate for any member of the community. All of the topics above can be found in their respective BIP channels on our Discord.
Extra, extra! Read all about it.
With the launch of Boosted Pools V2 on FTM and the Reliquary shortly after. The word press is steadily printing.
Over the coming weeks we have a decked out campaign planned to highlight the major innovations that the new pools will bring to the ecosystem. Education is key and we are determined to deliver.
It wouldn’t be fun without friends; we have a couple of events planned with the FDN and our homies over at the Byte Masons to celebrate the launch. Stay Tuned.
With Reliquary emerging we are also in the process of making sure that users will be well prepared to make the necessary transitions when the time comes. Preparation is key and well, we are prepped and ready to rock.
Beyond the upcoming releases we have also been working on a couple of key proposals. Last week we hinted at a reveal; there is still however a little bit more work to be done before we release them to the public but they are steadily on the way. The FTM gitcoin grant is just about to close its first round and we plan to take part with a proposal for funding. Community support / awareness is a big part of the strategy proposed by the FDN and we hope we can embody these qualities in our submission. The X fund is also undergoing an evolution of its own and there are some updates for the community coming soon.
All in all, pretty juicy. Beetlejuicy!
BEETS Birthday Bash
It’s been a bit of a crazy month. Crypto is constantly moving and there really never is a dull moment. Good or bad, this space is undoubtedly growing and we are honoured to be a part of its evolution.
With all the “excitement” going on we let it slip past the radar but It’s official, we’re now 1 year old, which in crypto terms is kinda like being 50 — seasoned to say the least.
Celebrations are in order; there is never a better moment to reflect and give thanks for all that has passed.
Keep your eyes peeled for more info over the week.
Hot Topics
There is a lot going down in the Beethoven X household and it can be hard to keep up to speed. Fear not, aspiring maestros, we have got you covered. Let’s take it one hot topic at a time.
Last week we covered part 1 in a 2 part series on Balancer Tech — MetaStable Pools, Rate Providers and Boosted Pools.
Let’s take it to the next level. Dive into part 2.
Gauge Vote
BEETS are back at it again!! Another wave of the bi-weekly Gauge Vote has been completed and we would love to give a big shoutout to everyone who participated. The emission updates for pools will be implemented this Wednesday and the final results for Round 24 can be found in the Tweet below.
Live Events
There is so much music out there it’s hard to listen to it all! We try our best to keep it all lined up; here are the gigs scheduled for this week:
Tech Tuesdays: Tech, Tech and a little bit more Tech! DeFi is brimming with new stuff, all the time. It’s fast, it’s fun and it’s oh-so complicated — or is it? Come join us for a mellow jam session on the technical innovations from Beethoven X and beyond! Everyone is welcome, simply tune in and get those questions poppin. Check us out in our Discord this Tuesday at 12:00 UTC.
Weekly Community Breathe: Feel like it’s all getting a little too much? Or perhaps you just want to take things to the next level — elevate! The breath is central to many inner practices and plays a major role in the regulation of our nervous systems. From general well being to focused inner work, a consistent breath work practice is almost certainly going to add value to your journey. Join us on Wednesday at 12:00 PM UTC for a community breathwork session with Yogi Astralnaut.
Sheesh! Action packed and so danged juicy. The crescendo is building once again and it’s about to go down at BEETS. Revamped, Remixed and Remastered. We are all about making high quality music and the coming weeks look stacked with GOODNESS.
Can you feel the Music? We hope y’all are all ready?!