Concerto Programme — 34

5 min readAug 23, 2022


Dear Friends and Fellow Ludwigs,

Welcome to another beautiful week. The ol’ composer is back in his element and on the brink of another great creation. Making music this good ain’t easy but hey, someones got to it!

We are all about re-definition / re-imagination this season and the next movement of the symphony is shaping up to be something pretty special.

So what’s on the concerto programme this week?

Tech / Development

Ahhhhh. The sweet sound of accomplishment. With V2 out of the way the Devs have delighted in some well deserved rest, plenty of BEETlejuice and a whole bunch of crispBEETS. Thoroughly BEETified they are back in the saddle and ready to create. Over the coming weeks the focus will shift from smaller tweaks and enhancements to the new UI into larger, more demanding projects. With some new pool factories in the lineup for the very near future there has been a focused effort to make sure everything is set up for optimal deployment; from composable stable pools to beefed up boosted pools the upcoming symphony is definitely one to look out for.

0xSkly has been at it again, this time with a bit of an unexpected journey. Take a dive into the more technical side of life and indulge in the beauty of Balancer contracts.


Our music is a collection of harmonies gracefully intertwined. There is not just one sole conductor or artist; the beauty of decentralised governance is that every Ludwig has their voice heard! This week there has been continued debate as well as exciting new proposals.

POL Farming: A new forum has opened to discuss the different avenues available for farming the protocol-owned liquidity within the Beethoven X DAO treasury.

Sparked by this concept, a new proposal is currently live on snapshot! Phase 1 of this proposal is up for a vote. This initial phase seeks to diversify the POL on Fantom and migrate it to Optimism in the Rocket Fuel (wETH-rETH) Pool. Once new pool factories have been deployed, a second vote will open allowing users to reallocate the POL into other pools.

You can find out everything you need to know here:

veBAL voting power: There has also been a discussion around how Beethoven X can strategically obtain veBAL voting power without bribing veBAL/ vlAURA users. This would allow the protocol to direct BAL emissions without having to offer gauge incentives. If you would like to find out more, make sure to jump into the discord forums!

Live Events

There is so much music out there it’s hard to listen to it all! We try our best to keep it all lined up; here are the gigs scheduled for this week:

Tech Tuesdays: Back by popular demand, Tech Tuesdays is slowly becoming a household name. Sit back, relax and join us for a down-to-earth chat with the team on all things TECH. There is no structure to these conversations, just an informal back and forth with yours truly! Bring your questions to the table, big and small, we love to hear your thoughts. Tune in on our Discord this Tuesday at 18:00 UTC.

Weekly Community breathe: Feel like it’s all getting a little too much? Or perhaps you just want to take things to the next level — elevate! The breath is central to many inner practices and plays a major role in the regulation of our nervous systems. From general well being to focused inner work, a consistent breath work practice is almost certainly going to add value to your journey. Join us on Wednesday at 09:00 PM UTC for a community breathwork session with Yogi Astralnaut.

Twitter Space with dHedge: Mic check, mic check! Market vibe check with the team at dEDGE! Join in the discussion with Beethoven’s very own @Daniel and @0xSouvlaki on the upcoming integrations as well as some highly anticipated insights from the team at Velodrome. Definitely one to watch.

Gauge Vote

BEETS be bribing! Another wave of the bi-weekly Gauge Vote has been completed and we would love to give a big shoutout to everyone who participated. The emission updates for pools will be updated this Wednesday and the final results for Round 17 can be found / summarised in the tweet below.


The week ahead is shaping up to be another glorious masterpiece. A week filled with the marvels of creative music and the wonders of sounds never before heard.

The road to Vienna is most definitely turning out to be a journey of a lifetime (or two).

We wish you all the very best for the week to come and we are super grateful to be on this extraordinary road with you all!

Love as always,

Beethoven X




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