Dear Friends and Fellow Ludwigs,
Welcome to another beautiful week! With all the excitement that has transpired over the past week it feels great to check in with the community again. V2 has successfully been deployed and we are most certainly still high off the fumes, must be all of that BeetleJuice!
With the wind in our sails we are feeling more motivated than ever to keep on BUIDLing towards a future where the masses are free and DeFi rules supreme.
What an awesome composition that will be! So, What’s on the Concerto this week?
Tech / Development
It’s been a wild ride, and the wave is almost at an end. V2 officially launched last week with a Beta site for users to explore and the feedback was just amazing.
We are super stoked with how the UI has turned out and how the site is functioning. So much so, that we will be officially switching to the new site later this week! Stay tuned for a bona fide announcement along with some ridiculous artwork to follow.
As the tide turns and the major developments on V2 start to take a bit of a backseat, the Dev team will be switching their focus into some pretty exciting projects but more on that later! For now, enjoy the new site and keep making music.
It’s all about the renditions and you know how much we love to make music. With some of the major developments out the way (Optimism, BEETs V2, Half Year Review) it has been the perfect time for the team to regroup and refocus our intentions for the next half of the year.
Education: As we start to settle into our multi-chain life and as our technology expands it’s only normal for there to be a need for us to do a little bit more explaining. Accessibility is a major pillar for our brand and we want to make sure that as we grow our users are informed / equipped to navigate the awesome products we have to offer. We will be shifting much of our attention towards curating easily digestible content, informative articles / videos, step by step tutorials. Live events and much much more.
Biz Dev / Partnerships: Collaboration over competition. These words echo true as we look into the future, especially now we are cross chain. Building a platform that is truly going to stand the test of time inevitably requires great friendships and stronger relationships. We have a dedicated crew on board who look to make this dimension of our protocol as successful as possible. Alongside the creative wizardry from the design team, we are excited to showcase to the world the power of the balancer tech in full force.
Governance continues to be quite the hot topic and the music is picking up ever so nicely. With so much going on, it was getting a little tricky to keep track of all of the relevant discussions. Earlier this week we started to shift some of the conversations into forums. For now, we have 2 conversations taking place under 💰︲treasury-forum:
- POL Liquidity Farming:
- LQDR Acquisition:
A new governance discussion has also entered into the fray, 🎗︲bipxx-create-bugbounty-program.
To learn more about the discussion please check out the channel over on discord:
We encourage you all to stay as engaged as you can and contribute to these discussions as much as possible. They are a great way to stay up to date, learn about the changes being made within the protocol and participate in the evolution of Beethoven X.
Social Science Lab
The analysis of the ‘sense-making’ study is running at full speed. Josey has been working intensively on the in-depth data analysis over the last couple of weeks and is now wrapping everything up. By means of a collaborative analysis process with another enthusiastic social scientist, Josey promises to fulfil the quality criteria of trustworthiness that these kinds of qualitative studies require.
The ‘sense-making’ study was initiated in view of the market downturn in May. With the last couple of weeks not being any less exciting, it can feel overwhelming to make sense of everything that is happening in the space. There might be muddles and riddles, lots of open questions, and inner conflicts. The sense-making study researches the “cognitive gaps” that individuals experience when attempting to make sense of a situation or event. For more details on the current study, please have a look here:
We cannot wait for the main findings to be presented soon!
The social science lab was founded to ask the big questions relating to DeFi and human behaviour — we think that the best technology, strategy, and in fact everything we do in this space can only be as good as how well we understand the people behind the pfp.
Gauge Vote
The weeks are just flying at the moment and Round 17 of the Beethoven X gauge vote is almost upon us.
Don’t miss the opportunity to have your say in 30% of the BEETS emissions for the weeks of August 22 and 29. Voting will be conducted via Snapshot and will go live at some point this Thursday.
For more information on the Gauge and how you can get involved check out the following Medium article:
Live Events
There is so much music out there it’s hard to listen to it all! We try our best to keep it all lined up; here are the gigs scheduled for this week:
Weekly Community breathe: Feel like it’s all getting a little too much? Or perhaps you just want to take things to the next level — elevate! The breath is central to many inner practices and plays a major role in the regulation of our nervous systems. From general well being to focused inner work, a consistent breath work practice is almost certainly going to add value to your journey. Join us on Wednesday at 09:00 PM UTC for a community breathwork session with Yogi Astralnaut.
Bi-Weekly Conscious Conversations: Grab a cup of tea / coffee and come hang out with the community in our bi-weekly conscious conversations session. This is an open space to catch up, share and be seen. No expectations, no agenda, simply show up and be present. If you feel like sharing or just listening in, this is a place for our community to be vulnerable. Join us on Thursday at 12:00 PM UTC over on our Discord.
We are sharp, we are motivated and we are focused. It feels great to be out here making music and once again, we are so grateful to be rolling with the greatest crew in the whole of CryptoLand. Cheers, Dear Ludwigs, Cheers!
We wish you all the best for the week ahead.
Love as always,
Beethoven X