Dear Friends and Fellow Ludwigs,
Welcome to another beautiful week! It’s all about the music at the Beethoven HQ right now as we prepare ourselves for the highly anticipated V2 launch. The Ludwigs are scrambling to make sure everything is in tip top shape and that all systems are a go before we deploy.
This is truly what we live for; to be at the forefront of innovation and to be serving our community with the tools they need to truly succeed — Music at its finest!
So what is on the Concerto this week?
Tech / Development
The end is nigh and the peak is finally in sight. The journey has been nothing short of incredible and we are STOKED to announce that V2 is ready to drop! As with everything we do in DeFi, the security of our user is the most important aspect. Over the next couple of days we will be stress testing the new site (again) just to make sure everything is safe. From here will have a soft launch with a beta site linked to the current website. Once this has met our criteria for secure operation we will proceed with full launch and integration in V2.
It’s been one helluva journey; blood sweat and tears have gone into this and we are so excited to unleash V2 into the world. Keep your eyes peeled, the music is about to get real!
Live Events
The music never really stops and this week is no exception. Here are the gigs we have lined up for this week:
The Community Town Hall: The moment we’ve all been waiting for, the Town Hall gathering is upon us. The Town Hall is an important check point for us; an opportunity to share with our wonderful community and appreciate all we have accomplished thus far. It calls for celebration, it calls for festivity.
On the agenda this month we have a performance review for the past month, a deep dive into the upcoming launch of BEETS V2, an update from the X-Fund and a whole lot more. The Town hall will take place on Tuesday the 9th at 1pm UTC over on Discord.
P.S Vee has been cooking up something special in the design kitchen and it will be ready just in time for the Town Hall. Come hang out to be entered into the raffle for a chance to win.
The Weekly Community Breathe: When the music starts to get a little too intense and you feel like you’re about to hit your limits, take a deep breath and embrace the present moment. Join us on Wednesday at 12:00 PM UTC for a community breathwork session with Yogi Astralnaut.
The breathwork session will be hosted on Zoom and all the relevant links / information can be found in the 🌷︲lotus-room on Discord.
We are always eager to have the community actively involved and engaged in steering the future of the protocol. Governance is an ongoing process of ideation, discussion, voting and implementation. Here are some of the recent updates
BIP-24: The symphony continues to play and some major moves have recently been executed. BIP-24 proposed a reallocation of the 30% of protocol fees used for fBEETS buybacks on FTM. Instead of increasing the ratio of fBEETS to Fidelio Duetto BPTs, the fee mechanism has now been changed to be used as gauge vote incentives for fBEETS voters. This marks the beginning of a new era for Beethoven X where the protocol is actively taking part in the BeetsWars.
Check out one of our recent threads to stay up to date:
LQDR: The beauty in governance lies in the ability to debate, open your mind, and understand every composer’s perspective. The LQDR treasury acquisition proposal has continued to foster a beautiful discussion on the discord. We hope to put the proposal to vote this week; we are just waiting for a LiquidDriver medium article explaining the soon-to-be update in more depth. If you would like to dive into the discussion, fellow Ludwig, jump in here:
Beethoven X Bug Bounty: Security lies at the heart of DeFi and without the entire system would crumble. Alongside our contribution to the Balancer bug bounty program, recent discussions have started to take place to initiate our own bug bounty. Security can never be taken seriously enough and the motivation behind this initiative would be to provide additional coverage for contracts that lie outside of the scope of the Balancer program. Still in its early phases but important nonetheless, stay updated and get involved on Discord.
New Emissions from Gauge Vote
Another wave of the bi-weekly Gauge Vote has been completed and we would love to give a big shoutout to everyone who participated. The emission updates for pools will be updated this Wednesday and the final results for Round 14 can be found here.
We have recently added a new forum channel on Discord called: 🔥︲hot-topics. The channel can be found under the subsection: 🎻 | BEETHOVEN X. The idea behind this space is to have a dedicated place where we can share information with the community that we think is important to know. We decided to play around with the new forum layout and hopefully this will allow us to keep track of articles, threads in a way that keeps things organised and at the same time interactive. We will be testing this out over the coming months and would love for you to get involved, give it a try and let us know what you think.
Who said bear markets need to be boring?! From the release of V2 to game changing governance initiatives, all topped off with the monthly Town Hall, it’s hard not to be excited! We are out here making new music for the best community in DeFi and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
We wish you all the very best for the week ahead and look forward to catching up with you all soon!
Love as always,
Beethoven X.