Dear Friends and Fellow Ludwigs,
Welcome to another beautiful week.
With heat waves rippling across the land, it really feels like summer has arrived. In the midst of all the fever, the crew at Beethoven X have been busy at work making sure we all stay cool and hydrated.
From the ghoulish landscapes of the Fantom underworld to the bustling streets over in Optimism City, there has been a fair bit of movement over the past couple of weeks and there is plenty to report. Brilliante.
So what’s on the Concerto this week?
As you walk along the streets of Optimism City, music fills the air and the sounds from the rooftops feed the energy of the city; much like Vienna in the good ol’ days, where violins and clarinets could be heard at every corner and the mystery of music filled the souls of many.
This week we commemorate those at the heart of this celebration of life — it’s our very special Optimistic 8-Track on Optimism: USDC, sUSD, LYRA, PERP, SNX, BAL, BEETS, and OP. Eight beautiful sounds that together compose a wonderful symphony.
Check out the full article here:
Gauge Vote
Round 15 is prepped, primed and almost ready to drop. The weeks are just flying by at the moment and it’s almost time to vote. Don’t miss the opportunity to have your say in 30% of the BEETS emissions for the weeks of July, 25 and Aug 01. Voting will be conducted via Snapshot and will go live at some point this Thursday!
For more information on the process behind the Gauge and how you can get involved check out the following Medium article:
The Lotus Room
This week we will be continuing our efforts to show up and be present for the community.
On Wednesday we will host our weekly community breathwork session led by Yogi Astralnaut and on Thursday we will host an open space for community conversation. Anyone who fancies joining in is more than welcome and both sessions will take place at 12pm UTC respectively.
The breathwork session will be hosted on Zoom and all the relevant links / information can be found in the 🌷︲lotus-room on Discord.
We are always eager to have the community actively involved and engaged in steering the future of the protocol. As the protocol develops so too does the governance structures and the collective decisions made by the DAO.
Last week we had one proposal up for vote on snapshot:
- 🎗︲bip23-infrastructure-cost
The proposal was to put forth an initiative where The DAO treasury would take responsibility for covering the infrastructure costs of Beethoven X for the months of May — October.
The proposal closed on 15th of July and was met with an unanimous decision in favour of its implementation.
To learn more about the proposal please check out the following link or read up on bip23 under the 🏛 | GOVERNANCE section on Discord.
The initiative will begin effective immediately.
VeBal Gauge vote on Optimism: The launch on Optimism has been a major milestone and has been met overall with success. As of today our TVL sits at roughly $8 million, which puts us in the top 10 protocols on the chain. With an initial effort to bootstrap liquidity we launched with BEETS and BAL in a dual reward liquidity mining program.
We are now very excited to be heading into the next phase of our Optimism launch plan, where we will transition into the veBAL gauge voting system. Based on the current timelines, Optimism will be fully integrated into the veBAL gauge system before the end of August.
To learn more about the proposed schedule and the details of the changes to come, please read up on our recent Medium article:
Finance Dashboard
The mastery behind every great music piece starts with the notes on the sheet. At Beethoven X, we believe that all Ludwig’s should be able to read these notes and it’s with this in mind that we are busy putting on the final touches to our latest release of the analytics dashboard. Soon frens, soon!
Tech / Development
If you’ve been following along recently then you already know what’s about to go down — BEETS V2.
As the saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is a UI/UX that will deliver on the quality our users deserve.
This week’s focus has been all about continued work improving the front end flows and making sure the fundamentals are in place for optimal functionality. With major headway made on the trade / invest UI there has been a shift to make sure that the copy on the new site is up to standard and and the design aspects reflect the brand.
There also has also been major progress made on testing out the new phantom stable pools as well as the introduction of a new blog series — “Inside Balancer Contracts” — from none other than our very own @Skly.
Short and sweet but crammed full of music nonetheless. Wherever you may be in the world, whatever the weather, we hope you are staying happy and healthy.
Transitions are on the horizon and we are prepped / ready for the changes. A lot of hard work has gone into ensuring success and we are excited to share with you all soon everything we have been up to.
In the meantime, take care and keep listening to the music.
Love as always,
Beethoven X.