Concerto Programme — 26

5 min readJun 28, 2022


Dear Friends and Fellow Ludwigs,

Welcome to a wonderful week. It’s week 26 and we are almost halfway through the year already — crazy! Time really flies when you are having fun and we are most definitely having a blast.

It’s been an incredible journey so far, paved full of adventure and we are so stoked to be out here making music with the most amazing community an undead composer could ask for.

So what’s on the concerto this week?

Live Events

Fireside Chat: In the spirit of community and connection we are excited to be hosting a down-to-earth Fireside session this Tuesday at 12pm UTC. Come and join us for an informal conversation with the team around tech, product and strategy. This session will be completely unstructured and the idea is to spitball relevant topics / questions with the community — popcorn style. The Fireside will be 45mins long and is open to anyone who feels like joining in

Twitter Space with APY vision: APY vision is an all-in-one liquidity pool analytics and yield farming tracking tool and they will be hosting a Twitter Space this Friday with a couple members of the Beethoven X team.

Check in to learn more about their recent developments and plans for the future.

Twitter Space on Optimism: Last week we had an amazing conversation with some of the team over on Optimism about our recent deployment with BalancerLabs. We touched on our origin story, our collaboration with Balancer and our plans for the future on Optimism. In case you missed the Twitter Space check out the following link here. Most definitely worth a listen!

Tech / Development

It’s full steam ahead as we approach the launch of BEETS V2. Progress is steady underway and things are nearing completion. With the goal for a release at the end of July it’s all about the details and fine tuning.

This week’s focus has been about hooking up the front end flows and making sure the fundamentals are in place for optimal functionality. From tweaks to the trade / pool UI, design improvements, a mobile view and experimenting with serverless functions to enhance overall performance, the Devs have been putting in the work to bring to the stage the next level of user experience. Truly masterful, expect nothing less.

New Emissions from Gauge Vote

Another wave of the bi weekly Gauge Vote has been completed and we would love to give a big shoutout to everyone who participated. The emission updates for pools will be updated this Wednesday and the final results for Round 13 can be found here.

Community centre

The Lotus Room: This week we will be continuing our efforts to show up and be present for the community. On Wednesday we will have a community breathwork session led by yogi astralnaut and on Thursday we will have an open space for community conversation for anyone who fancies joining in (both sessions will take place at 12pm UTC). The breathwork session will be hosted on Zoom but all the relevant links and information can be found in the Lotus Room on discord.

Social Science Lab: Our in-house specialist is buried in the books and busy making sense of all the data collected in the study related to the crisis. Following on from the first phase of data collection Josey is now at work processing all of the gathered information. Following the data analysis phase, Josey will present the study findings in an article and a dedicated Fireside chat. Feel free to reach out and enquire in the social science lab channel on Discord.

Community Town Hall: The dust is being swept and the stage is being set. Next week we will take to the floor again for the monthly Community Town Hall. This one is going to be big as we celebrate the crossing of the half yearly benchmark. From a detailed financial breakdown to comprehensive tech developments, this town hall is going to be one for the books. Make sure to save the date and clear some space.


This week, our symphony heads out on a roadtrip to play in Optimism city. Our debut in this new auditorium sees us feature the local star, a young prodigy making waves in the industry. Together with its mentor it takes centre stage, while an old friend provides the snare. What a better way than to start with Happy Road.

Check out the detailed breakdown here.


As our community grows and expands, governance takes on an increasingly more active role in the development of our protocol. Anyone can take part in the Beethoven X governance process and anyone who holds fBEETS can vote on proposals.

Our governance process starts from a community discussion, to a proposal, to a vote and finally to enactment. It is designed to be an open, transparent system that facilitates the decentralised progression of the protocol.

We encourage our community to be as active as possible when it comes to governance and the discussions surrounding the different proposals. For recent updates, proposals and active discussions make sure to check out the Governance section over on our Discord.


As we continue to expand our reach and develop our product we want to strive to make sure that our users are as informed as possible about the benefits and capabilities of our tech. We are excited to announce that we will have a new member joining the marketing circle soon to help out with the curation of educational content and social media support. As we step into the next half of the year we will continue to cultivate a community that is well informed and aware of how truly wonderful the balancer v2 tech stack is.


Another beautiful week with the best community an undead composer could hope for. As we move ever closer to the magical city of Vienna, we carry with us nothing but a deep sense of pride and appreciation for our community as well as a bucket load of inspiration. Inspiration to continue on our mission and to build the best darned DeFi protocol the world has ever seen.

Love as always,

Beethoven X




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