Concerto Programme — 22

4 min readMay 31, 2022


Dear Friends and Fellow Ludwigs,

Back in 1812 we went to the little bohemian town of Teplitz for spa treatments and cultural shenanigans. While we basked in the warm waters by day and we lost ourselves in wine glasses with friends at night, we wrote this beautiful little piece: The second movement of our 7th Symphony. Urban. Hip. Modern. Optimistic. With a twist of cemetery emo.

Even back then we had the ability to imagine futures and compositions that had not yet revealed themselves. Even back then, we were aware of the need to build the futures we would imagine — for if it were not us, then who?

We reminisce as we sit on The Imagine Wagon this week; the bus that will take us and our friends to the city of Optimism.

“Are we there yet?”

“Are we there yet?”

“Are we there yet?”

“Wen Optimism?” Soon friends, soon!

Welcome, dear Ludwigs, to week 22. A week that historically, is most well known for the BBC banning God Save the Queen by Sex Pistols back in 1977. A week that will also be well known for the Imagine Wagon’s arrival to Optimism. Imagine that.

Town Hall

It is also a week that brings you our beloved, Monthly Town Hall. Join us this Saturday, the 4th at 13.00 UTC for a breakdown of the month and all the latest updates at Beethoven X.

The Town Hall will take place in our Discord and you can find the previous months recordings on our Soundcloud.

Protocol Fees

We will be conducting our monthly sweep of the Protocol Fee Collector and distributing fees. Do you remember how we do this? Well, fear not dear friends, here is a quick reminder:

50% of protocol fees will be used to build a diversified DAO controlled LP treasury that will act as a solid tailwind for future growth. This month the investment is being evenly distributed between Steady Beets, Act II and Fantom of the Opera.

30% of the fees collected will be distributed to fBEETS holders. This is done in the form of Fidelio duetto BPTs which changes the conversion rate of fBEETS to the underlying Fidelio Duetto BPTs.

The remaining 20% will be kept by the team to fund continued development.

The team contributes 10% of its allocation towards the x-fund (this equates to 2% of total protocol fees earned) to ensure that Beethoven X remains a positive contribution to the environment and to social affairs. This is done by investing in regenerative capturing solutions such as forestry, regenerative agriculture or direct air capturing.

Symphony of the Week

The symphony of the week is also out. This week we feature a pool that is a nod to Mike Oldfield. Considered to be one of the best experimental progressive rock albums, this week we enjoy the unique sounds of Tubular Bells: Curved and Linked. You can read more about the pool’s performance here.

A little bit of info: due to some very well deserved upcoming holiday time for our finance team, we will be pausing the Symphony of the week for the next 2–3 weeks.

Podcast with Nick Drakon

The always awesome Nick Drakon has released the first episode of his new podcast: DeFi Sparks. It was an honour and pleasure that Daniel and Mr Kind were invited to participate in this first episode. A fun, engaging conversation about inevitability and high performance.


Twitter upgrades

As we get closer to the city of Optimism, our being is getting a double. A skin of sorts, Optimized for the context it lives in. Across two worlds — Fantom and Optimism. Graveyard, undead, blue. Urban, living, red. Over the course of the month you will see changes throughout our UI and design universe to reflect the new environments. We hope you like it!


Truly an Optimistic week ahead. The Imagine Wagon is on the road. The universe is expanding and we are super excited for launch. Buckle up, sit tight, the fun is about to begin.

For now, be well, stay musical, stay creative, keep building. Imagine futures that you desire, imagine collaborative worlds. Imagine equal worlds.

And then build them.

For yourself, for your loved ones and for your community. We are so grateful to have you on board.




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