“The sun is shining, the weather is sweeeeet, yeah.”
Welcome everyone, to another beautiful week. We hope you are all doing well and that you are happy and healthy.
There is never a dull moment in crypto and we are super excited to be out here riding the waves, making some great music along the way. There is a tingling in our bones and an energy in the air. The vision for the future is just on the horizon and we are ecstatic. We are enlivened and we are passionate.
So what’s on the concerto this week?
Symphony of the Week:
This week’s symphony is a fantastical melody. An epic adventure through an enchanting landscape, filled with the wonders of magic and myth. We present to you “A Song of Ice and Fire”
For a deep dive into the pools performance and key insights check out the recent medium article here.
Live Events:
Fireside Chat: The art, the fun, the playfulness, the utility. The scope for the NFT circle has expanded with the growth of the protocol and it’s time to give you all an update. Join Vee & Ludwig this Thursday at 19:00 UTC on our Discord to hear all about the direction for the Beethoven X NFTs.
Town Hall AMA: With so much happening in the ecosystem right now we are super excited to be prepping for the Monthly Town Hall AMA. A gathering we have come to love, where we can break bread with the community and share our thoughts for the month ahead. From the monthly performance report to updates on locking and the possibilities of cross chain expansion this monthly ritual will be one for the books. Join us next Tuesday, 10th May at 18:00UTC.
Community Discussions:
“The road to Vienna is paved full of excitement”. Last week was a true testament to the statement as we saw the beginnings of discussion take place for an intriguing proposal:
We propose that Beethoven X takes charge of an official Balancer deployment on Optimism.
Following the release of the discussion on Discord, we held an impromptu fireside chat to break down the proposal in detail and converse with the community. With the possibility of cross chain expansion now on the horizon this proposal could mark the beginning of an unforeseen journey for Beethoven X.
As this is a collaboration with Balancer, both sides need to agree on mutual conditions for the partnership before anything can go ahead. As such, both protocols will put forth a proposal for governance vote later this week.
For more information regarding the proposals, feel free to reach out to the team via Discord or engage in the community discussions.
New Emissions from Gauge Vote:
Round 9 of the bi weekly gauge is complete and the results are in. A huge thank you to everyone who participated. We will be implementing the updates for the pools on Wednesday and will keep you all informed as we proceed via Discord and Twitter.
For the final results, please check out the snapshot here.
Protocol fee distribution: As another month comes to an end and we will once again collect and distribute the monthly revenue. Distribution to the treasury, buying back BEETS from the market, distribution to the team fund and to the Beethoven climate / impact fund.
A more in depth review for the month will be presented at the Community Town Hall on the 10h of May.
Dashboard V2 : The highly anticipated additions for the pool analytics dashboard are just about complete and we are anticipating a launch for the community some time this week. Stay tuned for more information.
With the prospect of cross chain expansion the marketing team have doubled down efforts to make sure that they are prepared for the possibility of a move. With that said, Fantom is still our home and we are committed to this space until our bony fingers bleed. Solidifying our presence as the #1 DEX is still unquestionably our top priority and we are working relentlessly towards this goal. We are in the process of creating proposals for the upcoming Fantom Foundation grants, finalising efforts towards biz-dev funnels as well as developing the educational output for the protocol.
After last week’s DDoS attack we have implemented a more aggressive request rate limit. Users with a higher demand for requests (multiple tabs, refreshes, clicking) may hit the request threshold which results in a temporary 1 min block. To overcome this, we are reworking parts of the UI to reduce the request count and improve the user experience.
We have been working hard to improve the future security for the protocol and we are constantly monitoring for malicious activity. Unfortunately these attacks do happen, however our team are highly skilled and at no point during the attack were user funds at risk or compromised.
We are also in the process of redesigning the architecture for both the front end and back end. This will be an ongoing process for the next couple of months and is currently a high priority for the team. Once the redesign is finished, work will resume on the “my portfolio” page again. Furthermore we will also be upgrading our internal infrastructure to the newest graph-node / opera RPC node release (Snapsync) over the coming weeks.
The week(s) ahead look bright. There is motion and movement. There is resource and capacity. There is excitement and passion. There is skill and partnership. There is hard work and dedication. There is vision and community.
We are blessed with all the ingredients we need to succeed and we have all the creativity we need to make mind bending, soul nourishing music. We are honoured to be out here composing with you all and we are grateful to be walking on this adventurous road. Vienna, here we come!
Love and Kindness,
Beethoven X