Rise and Shine Maestros,
Step into another wonderful week in the world of BEETS! As per, we are feeling freshly FUNKADELIC, insightful as ever, and prepared to shimmy our way through the Weekly Concerto Programme.
Before we get well acquainted with the pulp of the matter, we’d like to give you the lowdown on what’s happening in the BEETS DAO.
The proposal is to double the self-stake of the Beethoven X validator by adding 100,000 FTM from the DAO’s treasury. This will allow the validator to accept more delegations (1.5M > 3M FTM), potentially increase rewards, and strengthen its position within the Fantom network. The validator has been performing well, and this step ensures continued growth and security as we prepare for future developments.
Want to find out more? Punch the link below:
Gauge Vote
Get in the groove and shape a BEETiful future!
A friendly reminder that the Gauge vote opens this Thursday, and your voice matters! Stay tuned in the Discord for all the latest updates on bribes and more.
Happy voting!
Yabba Dabba Doo! Feast your eyes on this rock-solid new creation.
Get ready to Bedrock ’N’ Roll with the wBTC | uniBTC pool on Optimism. In partnership with Bedrock, this pool is now earning rewards as part of the OP Superfest.
Go ahead, take a peek!
Hot Topic
Sonic BOOMS and GEMS — That’s All You Need to Know!
Sonic has launched the Sonic Gems and Sonic Boom bounty programs to support the first wave of apps on the Sonic chain.
The Sonic Boom bounty program offers developers the chance to secure allocations of Sonic Gems, which translate into points for users to earn in their upcoming $S airdrop.
The competition is fierce! If you think you’ve got what it takes, submit your project proposal and become a true pioneer of the Sonic ecosystem.
Dive into the details and feel the BOOM!
Missed the Town Hall?
We’ve got you covered with a complete guide to July’s monthly financial report. Packed with all the essential info you need on protocol performance across the ecosystem.
Dive in for stats on DAO revenue, TVL performance, top FTM and OP pool earners, and much more!
It’s numbers time.
Reading the data drop helps to keep everyone at Beethoven X informed about the most important performance measures.
Take a dive into episode 71:
Ludwigs, the skies are blue, and we hope everyone keeps hopping to the BEET.
The rhythm never stops, and the music plays on, so keep dancing and stay inspired — the future is bright.
Wishing you a smooth-sailing week, you BEETiful bunch of fresh Maestros!