Concerto Programme — 13

7 min readMar 28, 2022


Dear Friends and Fellow Ludwigs,

What a beautiful week we have ahead. It is always so inspiring to watch things grow and take on a life of their own, especially when it’s so close to home. The first hints of a song coming into existence, the promising sounds of a symphony coming together. It’s what we live for and what we love to do more than anything else in the world. Our community is growing, thriving. It is truly beginning to come alive and we couldn’t be more proud and inspired.

So what’s on the concerto programme this week?

Celebratory Giveaway:

WOW! Simply, just WOW!

Our little home has grown into something more beautiful than we could have ever anticipated — a thriving community of the most wonderful human beings from all across the globe.

10 thousand brilliant Ludwigs, all composing the most revolutionary music the world has ever seen.

One of the core belief structures for Beethoven X revolves around the importance of cultivating a kind, loving and engaged community that are just as passionate about the evolution of DeFI as we are. We truly couldn’t have asked for more in this regard as we have been blown away time and time again by the commitment, support and brilliance we have witnessed from you all so far.

It is such an honour and inspiration to be building alongside a community of this calibre every single day and we are so grateful for that. So grateful for the love, the support and the constant inspiration.

To celebrate you all and the wonderful growth of our community on Discord we will be running a celebratory giveaway.

We will be minting 2 unique celebratory graphics to the Mix-Tape and Mementos collection and will be giving them away in a community raffle over the next two days.

For more information on how to get involved check out our Discord.

Gauge Vote:

The weeks are just rolling by so quickly and it’s almost already time for Round 7 of the gauge vote. The vote will begin at some point this Thursday, however the exact timing of the snapshot will be called at random.

As always we will try to keep the community as informed as possible with “all things” vote related. We will have an announcement to mark the start of the vote as well as provide up to date coverage for any of the voting incentives offered by protocols in the ecosystem.

To make sure you stay as updated as possible, check in with our Twitter and Discord regularly where we have dedicated posts / channels specifically for the gauge vote.

For anyone new to the gauge vote we have pieced together a short article to guide users step by step through the process which can be found here.

Community Discussions:

In the spirit of community and collaboration another topic dear to our undead hearts revolves around the community governance of our protocol. As a DAO it is important for us to highlight the major discussions taking place within the community and to encourage/support these conversations in the best way we can.

Currently there are 3 discussions taking place, 2 of which are already up for vote.

  1. OTC Selling of the Solidly veNFT #20: This vote is to decide on whether the treasury should sell its solidly veNFT (#20) in an over-the-counter (OTC) swap for $1M in stable coins.

For relevant discussions around this particular subject please read up on the following channel on our Discord -bip15-otc-selling-solidy-venft.

2. Treasury Investment Vote (March 2022): This vote is to decide on 50% of the treasury investment for the month of March, 2022.

It is important to note here that this is NOT related to farm emissions or personal farming positions but rather towards treasury investment and growth.

To read a little more on this particular subject please check out the following snapshot vote here.

3. fBEETS locking: This discussion has to do with the upcoming Locking initiative that will be implemented for fBEET holders. In order for the initiative to take root there are a couple of necessary processes that need to take place to ensure a smooth transition and efficient execution. The discussion is in place to shed some light on the process and to give the community an opportunity to express their opinions on the matter before it goes to vote this week.

To read up on this subject and take part in the discussion please read up on the following channel on our Discord: bipxxx-fbeets-locking.

Governance proposals will always be hosted via snapshot and can be found under the vote section on the Beethoven X web page.

Boosted Pools AMA:

This week we are super excited to announce that we will be co-hosting an incredible session to really take a deep dive into the subject of Boosted Pools. We will be joined by none other than the legendary BalancerLabs and the fabled FTM Alerts to explore the revolution behind Boosted Pools and how we see them playing an integral role in shaping the future for liquidity across not only the Fantom ecosystem but DeFi as a whole.

The event will be hosted as a Twitter Space through the FTM Alerts Twitter and will take place this Friday (01/04/22) at 16:00 UTC.

This is such an amazing opportunity to shed some light on the technological innovations shaping DeFi by some of the greatest builders in the game and we couldn’t be more honoured to be a part of it. Definitely not one to be missed!

Boosted Pools Education:

To continue with the commitment for education around the awesomeness of Boosted Pools we will be releasing a couple more threads over the course of the week to tie up the short series we have going on Twitter.

In case you are totally new to the tech or want to explore the topic in more detail check out this wonderful Medium article here to get you started.

Symphony of the Week (SOTW):

The week simply would not be complete without the release of the SOTW. In the spirit of Boosted Pools this week’s edition will be focused around a pool central to their revolution. This masterpiece is in the pipeline for a scheduled release later this week so stay tuned to our Discord/Twitter for more.

Protocol Revenue Distribution:

As another month comes to an end at the end of the week we will once again collect and distribute the monthly revenue. Distribution to treasury, buying back BEETS, distributing to team and the teams fund for positive climate and social impact. The results of the month — and of the entire first quarter of 2022 — will be presented at the Community Town Hall on the 7th of April.

You can follow the protocol fee collector on Debank here.

From the Devs:

“Ah, the simple pleasures of composition.” The Devs are continually pushing the boundaries for our Music and have this to report:

  • We are continuously sharing revenue via our buyback initiative for fBEETs. The current value for 1 fBeets after the latest update is now worth 1.0168 BPT.
  • We know a lot of people are experiencing issues with the “my portfolio page” on our website and we are working hard to resolve these issues as quickly as possible. We kindly ask for your patience in the meantime and we will make sure to give you an update as soon as we have made some improvements.
  • We have started to monitor user-reported issues on a Trello board and ask people please to look there before reporting a bug in the discord channels. The link for the Trello board can be found here.
  • We have made query optimizations for the Swap and Pool list screen which should greatly reduce loading times. Pool detail screen optimizations coming next. We are on a journey to greatly improve site performance and this is just the beginning.
  • We have resolved an SOR issue with boosted pool routing that was causing inaccurate swap estimations when the same boosted pool appeared twice in the swap. Boosted Pools just keep getting better.


So all in all, the concerto for the week seems to bring in some wonderful sounds. Like our String Quartet No 12 in E-Flat. 10.000 Ludwigs in the Discord Theatre, a Month and a Quarter well completed, a fully packed road ahead, a thriving team and a thriving, debating and engaged community. We are grateful to enter into another week with you all. Let the music continue to flow, boost it up to the max, and simply enjoy!

Love as always,

Beethoven X




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