Concerto Programme — 103

3 min readFeb 12, 2024


Rise and Shine Maestros,

Welcome to another beautiful week at BEETS. Funkadelically FRESH and always insightful, let’s dive into the weekly Concerto Programme.

Gauge vote

The weeks are just flying by and the next round of the Beethoven Gauge Vote is just on the horizon.

Don’t miss the opportunity to have your say in BEETS emissions for the period of the 21st of February to the 5th of March.

50% of the BEETS farm emissions are decided by the maBEETS gauge and the next round will start this Thursday!

The Yield-Bearing Asset Thesis

From LVR mitigation to Boosted Pools & Composable Stableswaps, Balancer V2 set the stage for efficient yield-bearing liquidity.

Now, with a Yield-Native Vault, Hooks, and 100% Boosted Pools, Balancer V3 is the Yield-Bearing Endgame.

Dive into this article to learn how Balancer V3 is the most attuned decentralized financial technology layer to host YB assets.

Now imagine if that technology stack has an LST intertwined within it…


The BEETS data series is running strong.

Light work and easy reading these little gems are meant to keep you up to date with the most essential performance metrics at Beethoven X.

Dive into episode #44 below.

Live Events

A symphony is brewing maestros…

Strange sightings have been reported over Vienna…

Tune in to the monthly community Town Hall on Discord this Thursday at 3pm UTC.

Will all be revealed?? Only time will tell.


The sun is shining Ludwigs and the weather is sweet! We hope everyone out there is still groovin’ to the BEETS. More challenging times out there for sure but we’re out here building and fully committed to the mission. There is plenty in the pipeline to look forward to and we’re stoked to have you all here with us!

Have a great week and stay FRESH maestros!

Beet X




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