A humane week of managing rapid growth in a calm and humble manner.
What a start to the symphony. We are all breathing, in good spirits, healthy and all systems are calmly humming away.
Stepping into week 41 after an incredible launch we now have over 250 Million TVL.
You, dear community, asked for a roadmap. We know the one in docs, is rough and made with our left hand as we composed amazing symphonies with the right. We will improve that. And while we are writing that up we would like to invite into this week, so you know what to expect from us.
The weeks headline:
- UI improvements and Bug fixes
- Partnerships
- Community Management
- Progress on NFT for early LPs
- Space for unforeseen events
UI improvement and Bug Fixes
Tech is running smoothly and infrastructure robust. We will priorities UI updates and bug fixes the first days of the week.
- Introduce a “Harvest all” rewards button
- Display BEETS Market cap on the home
- Display BEETS circulating Supply
- Roll up multi-region deployments of subgraph to improve app performance across the globe
- Fix a bug with BPT tokens not correctly displaying after investing
- Visually distinguish the Beethoven X (eligible for farming) and community created pools (DYOR) in Invest
More to come during the week.
Partnership conversations are lined up across time zones, talks are happening, messages flying around, and we will announce these as they materialise. It feels like the old times when hung out with Hummel and Haydn.
Community Management
We have learned something: Community seems to be pleased with our non-stop high touch approach. With a blend of tech and non-tech communication, consistent referrals to resources and we see a huge spread in complexity of questions. We continue to bring humor, kindness and humbleness with Beethoven narratives from “that one time in Vienna” combined with competent tech answers. #Daily-Classical is now on Twitter by popular demand, and somebody “would break our legs if we did not stay in character”. Wild first days.
Progress made on NFTs for early LPs
Our painter, artist and visual maker of universes is busy make amazing NFTs to share with you when we are ready. You will hear more about this as the week progresses. Stay tuned.
Space for unforeseen events
Mental space and time space for massive changes and dramatic shifts is always a healthy idea when launching a new symphony. One time in Vienna we had to remake parts of a symphony over night because Maximillian, the emperor, hated the third movement, and while re-composing, half drunk on wine in the middle of the nigh Napoleon called… Normal stuff for a composer of our caliber. Always stay calm, and enjoy the coffee.
The week will come with consistent content flow so that we can continue to contribute the community.
And to continue to live up to the trust from the community by being as transparent as we possibly can.
Thank you all and let’s make this count. For the Community.