4 min readSep 12, 2022



You are destined for magnificent things! I can feel it!

I can sense the talent. The rhythm and flow, the magic in those hands and the music in your bones. It’s time to let it out, Ludwig.

It’s time to create!

Every symphonic masterpiece needs the space to shine and that opportunity has come knocking; the power is right at your fingertips!

Will you snatch it up? Will you become one of the greats?!

Introducing Battle of the Beets — Round 1

For the first time ever we are running a community competition and we want you to craft, compose and orchestrate a symphonic masterpiece of your very own.

You have free reign to decide how important each band member is, how loud they play and how the music jams. Let the music flow and unleash your creativity.

Here is everything you need to know.

The competition

  • Battle of the Beets is a month-long competition to find the best community-made pool.
  • Multiple prizes are up for grabs in the ultimate community showdown for the most popular pool out there.

Apart from musical stardom, what is up for grabs?

  • 10,000 BEETS shared between the top 3 pools.
  • Exclusive NFT for most innovative pool name.
  • Exclusive NFT if the pool manages to gain entry to Gauge Vote.
  • Exclusive NFT for the pool with the highest number of users.
  • The top 3 Pools will be featured on the Beethoven X home screen.

What do you need to do?

  • Use the limitless capability of Beethoven X to compose your very own Liquidity Pool.
  • Choose your own unique set of tokens.
  • Let your creativity roam free to come up with a marvellous name for your symphony.

What are the entry requirements?

  • $100 initial investment into a pool
  • Set the swap fee to between 0.25–2%
  • Post your pool onto Twitter with the #battleofthebeets hashtag (optional)
  • List your pool name and contract to the anonymous form

What are the metrics for success?

It’s not just any musical competition; you need to use that brain of yours, Ludwig. The winning composer will be based on the following:

  • Revenue:TVL — Takes the annualised swap fee and divides it by the average TVL during the period. This ratio shows the dollar amount generated per dollar of TVL.
  • The top 3 pools with the highest Revenue:TVL will awarded $BEETS in the following way: 1st = 5000 $BEETS, 2nd = 3500 $BEETS, 3rd = 1500 $BEETS.

Bonus points will be scored for the following:

  • Unique Users — The number of unique users who have entered your pool. The pool with the highest number of users will win an exclusive NFT.
  • Qualify for gauge vote — If your pool has amassed a TVL above 50k and has a maximum weight discrepancy of 80/20, you will have qualified to enter into the gauge vote. Any pools that make it into the Gauge Vote will be awarded with a special NFT.
  • Innovative pool name — A separate prize will go to the user who crafts the most creative pool name.

How can you follow along?

Fear not, dear Ludwig we have got you covered. Every stat will constantly update on our very own leaderboard!

Our financial maestro has created a specific tab for Battle of the Beets. All users can follow along seamlessly as the leaderboard constantly updates. You simply need to provide your pool name / contract and we will get you integrated into the table!

So, how do you craft a pool?

To make this as simple and as easy as possible we have created a step by step walkthrough video to guide users through the process of creating a pool on Beethoven X.

Points to remember when creating your pool:

  • Pool swap fee needs to be set between 0.25–2%
  • A minimum value of $100 deposited as an initial investment
  • Only whitelisted tokens on the platform are eligible.

What do I do once my pool has been created?

Congratulations for making it this far, your entry is almost complete. In order to fully qualify for the competition there are only a couple more things to do:

  • Add your pool name, ID and contract address to the following anonymous form:
  • Post your pool ontoTwitter with the #battleofthebeets hashtag (optional).

How long will the competition run for?

  • Battle of the Beets will run for 4 weeks and will conclude on the 14/10/22. Winners will be announced the following week.
  • Users will have one week to create and register their pool from the date of launch. Registration will close on the 19/09/22.
  • The winners will be decided by our hand picked panel of judges.

And That’s a Wrap!

All the hard work has been done and now it’s time to put your talents to the test. Battle it out to become one of the best.

Music is an art form of self expression. Let your creativity flow and your uniqueness shine through. Inspire and transform. Trust yourself and the sky is truly the limit.

Let the madness begin.

We look forward to all of the entries and will make sure to keep all of the live action covered over the coming weeks.

Welcome to Battle of the BEETS!

Disclaimer: The Beethoven X liquidity committee has the right to terminate any pool that doesn't follow the current guidelines regarding pool creation or is deemed to show any form of malicious intent.




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