Last week a vulnerability was disclosed by the Balancer Ecosystem that affected some of the pools on our platform.
In light of this vulnerability, some of the pools on Optimism were placed into recovery mode as a proactive step to ensure maximum user and protocol safety. To read more about the disclosure check out the following article:
Since then, Balancer has been working diligently to resolve the issue and plan the best course of action to return pool function to normal.
The pools disclose no vulnerability potential while in recovery mode. However, due to the immutable nature of DeFi, there is no way to change the underlying issue without these pools being remade.
As such, we have made the necessary decision to ensure the optimal outcome for both users and the protocol:
Note. The following changes will take effect immediately.
Incentives will shift from the current pools on Optimism to the pools listed below:
Steady Beets, Boosted > Optimistic Steady Beets = USDC/USDT/DAI
Lido Shuffle > Shanghai Shakedown = wstETH/ wETH
Additionally, the following pools originally deployed on Optimism will receive OP incentives once more.
Happy Road = ETH/OP/USDC
Lennon’s Long = wETH/wBTC/USDC
All You Need Is Love = OP/BEETS/BAL
Finally, for the following pools additional incentives will stop:
Smells Like Spartan Spirit = DAI/USDT/USDC/sUSD
Here comes the Sonne = DAI/USDT/USDC (Incentives will stop after the 19th of January)
Until the underlying issue has been addressed, we have deemed this as the best course of action for all.
This is a proactive step that offers some joyous new tunes and brings back some renowned, treasured classics!
A shift in key so the symphonies can flourish.
Love as always,